Accès aux données



Afin d'accéder aux données ci-dessous, il est nécessaire de demander un identifiant et un mot de passe. Avec cet identifiant vous pourrez aussi accéder à l'interface de la base de données pour affiner votre recherche de données en créant vos propres requêtes. Pour vous aidez dans votre recherche de données vous pouvez consulter l'aide ou le guide d'utilisation de la base H+.

Description of the Evi-1 site

The Evi-1 site is located in the Skjern catchment (Denmark) and is part of the HOBE sites. More information can be found in this presentation.  


Data Available At The Evi-1 Site


Access to the data from Google Earth module

The Google Earth module provides a site visualization and information on data available such as types of measurements, locations, dates, etc. This interface also provides an overview of geophysical maps and cross-sections, which can be directly downloaded from the available links. Data available through predefined requests can be downloaded from this interface too.  

To download the Google Earth file and access to the data of this site, click on the following icon


Access to the data from database interface

All data inserted in the H+ database can be extracted using requests, which can be defined through this interface. For more information, please read the tutorial available here.


Overview of the database interface.


Access to the data from predefined requests

To help finding general data sets, predefined requests have been created and are regularly executed. Results can be downloaded from the links available below.




Site data

Spatialized data


Experimental bench


In situ measurements



Soil atmosphere exchange
