Bochet et al., Nature Geoscience

Dataset description

We provide below the full data set used by Bochet et al. (2020) published in Nature Geoscience (DOI). This study aims to investigate the role of fractures in the formation of deep microbial hot spots. The data was acquired in the Ploemeur fractured rock observatory, which is part of the French network of hydrogeological observatories H+ ( Most of measurements were performed in the PZ26 borehole and in the Guidel area.

The data may be downloaded from the links below by creating a login and a password on the H+ database at

The full dataset of the Ploemeur fractured rock observatory is available from and

Download links

Field measurements: PZ26 (conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, Eh)
Ions concentration: PZ26
Gaz concentration: PZ26
Batchs: PZ26

Borehole logs
Optical and acoustical logs: PZ26
Fracture log: PZ26
Caliper: PZ26
Borehole inclination: PZ26

O2 and Temperature logs
O2 logging: PZ26, dry and recharge periods
O2 logging Guidel: PSR1, PSR2, PZ15, PZ19, PZ21, PZ22, PZ23, PZ24, PZ25, PZ26, PZ2
T logging: PZ26, dry and recharge periods

Microbiology in fractures
Metagenomic: PZ26

Flow in borehole and piezometric head
Flowmeter data in borehole: PZ26
Piezometric head: PZ15 and PZ23

Note that, due to the inclination of the PZ26 borehole (see borehole inclination file above), depths estimated from pressure measurements differ slightly from those estimated from the distance along borehole. In the temperature and O2 log files above, the depth is estimated from pressure measurements, while in the other files it is estimated from the distance along borehole. In the paper, all depths refer to distance along borehole.


We provide below the Matlab code developed to simulate the depth of the habitable zone for iron oxidizing bacteria. The model quantifies the evolution of oxygen concentration with depth through first order degradation and dilution at intersection with anoxic fractures.

Matlab code – Fracture mixing model
