

Publications H+

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T. Hermans, P. Goderniaux, D. Jougnot, J. Fleckenstein, P. Brunner, F. Nguyen, N. Linde, J. A. Huisman, O. Bour, J. Lopez-Alvis, R. Hoffmann, A. Palacios, A-K. Cooke, Á.Pardo-Álvarez, L. Blazevic, B. Pouladi, P. Haruzi, M. Kenshilikova, P. Davy, and T. Le Borgne. Advancing measurements and representations of subsurface heterogeneity and dynamic processes: towards 4D hydrogeology. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 27:255–287, 2023. [ DOI | Data ]

J. Labbe, H. Celle, J-L Devidal, J. Albaric, and G. Mailhot. Combined Impacts of Climate Change and Water Withdrawals on the Water Balance at the Watershed Scale—The Case of the Allier Alluvial Hydrosystem (France). Sustainability, 15(4):3275, 2023. [ DOI ] 

I. Osorio-Leon, C. Bouchez, E. Chatton, N. Lavenant, L. Longuevergne, and T. Le Borgne. Hydrological and Geological Controls for the Depth Distribution of Dissolved Oxygen and Iron in Silicate Catchments. Water Resources Research, 59:e2023WR034986, 2023. [ DOI | Data ]


R. Abhervé, A. Gauvain, C. Roques, L. Longuevergne, S. Louaisil, L. Aquilina, and J.-R. de Dreuzy. Calibration of groundwater seepage on the spatial distribution of the stream network to assess catchment-scale hydraulic conductivity. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 175:1-26, 2022. [ DOI ]

J. Bodin, G. Porel, B. Nauleau, and D. Paquet. Delineation of discrete conduit networks in karst aquifers via combined analysis of tracer tests and geophysical data. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 26:1713–1726, 2022. [ DOI ]

S. D. Carrière, and K. Chalikakis. Hydrogeophysical monitoring of intense rainfall infiltration in the karst critical zone: A unique electrical resistivity tomography data set. Data in Brief, 40:107762, 2022. [ DOI | Data ]

F. Delay, J.L. Mari, G. Porel, F. Chabaux, and P. Ackerer. Is subsurface geophysics as seismic and acoustic investigations a rescue to groudwater flow inversion? CR Geoscience, Online first, 355(1):1-20, 2023. [ DOI ]

L. Guillaumot, L. Longuevergne, J. Marçais, N. Lavenant, and O. Bour. Frequency domain water table fluctuations reveal recharge in fractured aquifers depends on both intense and seasonal rainfall and unsaturated zone thickness. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 201:1-38, 2022. [ DOI | Data ]

R. Hoffmann, J.-C. Maréchal, A. Selles, A. Dassargues, and P. Goderniaux. Heat Tracing in a Fractured Aquifer with Injection of Hot and Cold Water. Groundwater, 60(2):192–209, 2022. [ DOI | Data ]

I. Osorio-Leon, C. Bouchez, E. Chatton, N. Lavenant, L. Longuevergne, and T. Le Borgne. Hydrological and geological controls for the joint evolution of dissolved oxygen and iron in crystalline rocks. ESS Open Archive, 2022. [ DOI | Data ]

I. L. Roche, S. Pasquet, K. Chalikakis, N. Mazzilli, M. Rosas-Carbajal, J.-B. Decitre, L. Serene, C. Batiot-Guilhe, C. Emblanch, J. Marteau, S. Gaffet. The Multi-Technique Approach of the Low Background Noise Underground Research Laboratory and its Muon Detection Projects. In Water Resource Management, chapter 10, 2022. [ DOI ]

N. Simon, and O. Bour. An ADTS toolbox for automatically interpreting Active Distributed Temperature Sensing measurements. Groundwater, 2022. [ DOI | Data ]

N. Simon, O. Bour, M. Faucheux, N. Lavenant, H. Le Lay, O. Fovet, Z. Thomas, and L. Longuevergne. Combining passive and active distributed temperature sensing measurements to locate and quantify groundwater discharge variability into a headwater stream. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26:1459–1479, 2022. [ DOI ]

V. Sivelle, L. Pérotin, B. Ladouche, V. de Montety, V. Bailly-Comte, C. Champollion, and H. Jourde. A lumped parameter model to evaluate the relevance of excess air as a tracer of exchanged flows between transmissive and capacitive compartments of karst systems. Front. Water, 4:930115, 2022. [ DOI ]


S. D.Carrière, B. Loiseau, C. Champollion, C. Ollivier, N. K. Martin-StPaul, N. Lesparre, A. Olioso, J. Hinderer, and D. Jougnot. First evidence of correlation between evapotranspiration and gravity at a daily time scale from two vertically spaced superconducting gravimeters. Geophysical Research Letters, 48:e2021GL096579, 2021. [ DOI ]

A.-K. Cooke, C. Champollion, and N. Le Moigne. First evaluation of an absolute quantum gravimeter (AQG#B01) for future field  experiments. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 10:65–79, 2021. [ DOI | Data ]

B. Dewandel, S. Lanini, V. Hakoun, Y. Caballero, and  J.-C Maréchal.  Artificial  aquifer  recharge  and  pumping: transient  analytical  solutions  for  hydraulic  head  and  impact  on  streamflow  rate  based  on  the  spatial  superposition method. Hydrogeology Journal, 29:1009–1026, 2021. [ DOI ]

B. Fores, C. Champollion, N. Lesparre, S. Pasquet, A. Martin, and F. Nguyen. Variability of the water stock dynamics in karst: insights from surface-to-tunnel geophysics. Hydrogeology Journal, 29:2077–2089, 2021. [ DOI ]

P. Lachassagne, B. Dewandel, and R. Wyns. Review: Hydrogeology of weathered crystalline/hard-rock aquifers—guidelines for the operational survey and management of their groundwater resources. Hydrogeology Journal, 2021. [ DOI ]

J.-L. Mari, F. Delay, G. Porel, and P. Gaudani. Characterizing flow in the first hundred-meter depth of a fractured aquifer using hybrid seismic methods, acoustic logging, and flow-log measurements. Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles, Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP), 76:62, 2021. [ DOI ]

R. Mhanna, A. Naveau, M. Bueno, M. Shmeit, F. Ismail, C. Fontaine, G. Porel, J. Bassil, and L. Caner. Concomitant behavior of arsenic and selenium from the karst infillings materials of the fractured carbonate Dogger Aquifer (Hydrogeological Experimental Site, Poitiers, France). Chemosphere, 275:129935, 2021. [ DOI ]

C. Ollivier, A. Olioso, S. D. Carrière, G. Boulet, K. Chalikakis, A. Chanzy, J.-B. Charlier, D. Combemale, H. Davi, C. Emblanch, O. Marloie, N. Martin-StPaul, N. Mazzilli, G. Simioni, and M. Weiss. An evapotranspiration model driven by remote sensing data for assessing groundwater resource in karst watershed. Science of The Total Environment, 781:146706, 2021. [ DOI ]

B. Pouladi, O. Bour, L. Longuevergne, J. de La Bernardie, and N. Simon. Modelling borehole flows from Distributed Temperature Sensing data to monitor groundwater dynamics in fractured media. Journal of Hydrology, 598:126450, 2021. [ DOI | Data ]

B. Pouladi, N. Linde, L. Longuevergne, and O. Bour. Individual and joint inversion of head and flux data by geostatistical hydraulic tomography. Advances in Water Resources, 154:103960, 2021. [ DOI ]

N. Simon, O. Bour, N. Lavenant, G. Porel, B. Nauleau, B. Pouladi, L. Longuevergne, and A. Crave. Numerical and experimental validation of the applicability of active-dts experiments to estimate thermal conductivity and groundwater flux in porous media. Water Resources Research, e2020WR028078, 2021. [ DOI | Data ]


L. Bethencourt, O. Bochet, J. Farasin, L. Aquilina, T. Le Borgne, A. Quaiser, M. Biget, S. Michon-Coudouel, T. Labasque, and A. Dufresne. Genome reconstruction reveals distinct assemblages of Gallionellaceae in surface and subsurface redox transition zones. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 96(5), 03 2020. [ DOI ]

O. Bochet, L. Bethencourt, A. Dufresne, J. Farasin, M. Pédrot, T. Labasque, E. Chatton, N. Lavenant, C. Petton, B. W. Abbott, L. Aquilina, and T. Le Borgne. Iron-oxidizer hotspots formed by intermittent oxic–anoxic fluid mixing in fractured rocks. Nature Geoscience, 13:149–155, 2020. [ DOI | Data ]

J. Bodin. MFIT 1.0.0: Multi-Flow Inversion of Tracer breakthrough curves in fractured and karst aquifers. Geosci. Model Dev., 13:2905–2924, 2020. [ DOI ]

S. D. Carrière, J. Ruffault, C. Cakpo, A. Olioso, C. Doussan, G. Simioni, K. Chalikakis, N. Patris, H. Davi, and N. K. MartinSt-Paul. Intra-specific  variability  in  deep  water  extraction  between  trees  growing  on  a  Mediterranean  karst. Journal of Hydrology, 590:125428, 2020. [ DOI ]

L. Dal Soglio, C. Danquigny, N. Mazzilli, C. Emblanch, and G. Massonnat. Taking into Account both Explicit Conduits and  the  Unsaturated  Zone  in  Karst  Reservoir  Hybrid  Models:  Impact  on  the  Outlet  Hydrograph. Water, 12(11), 2020. [ DOI ]

J.-C. Maréchal,  M. Bouzit, J.-D. Rinaudo, F. Moiroux, J.-F. Desprats, and Y. Caballero. Mapping Economic Feasibility of Managed Aquifer Recharge. Water, 12(3), 2020. [ DOI ]

J.-L. Mari, G. Porel, and F. Delay. Contribution of full wave acoustic logging to the detection and prediction of karstic bodies. Water, 12(4), 2020. [ DOI ]

N. Mazzilli, K. Chalikakis, S.D. Carrière, and A. Legchenko. Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Monitoring Reveals Karst Unsaturated Zone Recharge Dynamics during a Rain Event. Water, 12(11), 2020. [ DOI ]

N. Y. Musadji, L. Lemée, L. Caner, G. Porel, P. Poinot, and C. Geffroy-Rodier. Spectral characteristics of soil dissolved organic matter: Long-term effects of exogenous organic matter on soil organic matter and spatial-temporal changes. Chemosphere, 240:124808, 2020. [ DOI ]

C. Ollivier, N. Mazzilli, A. Olioso, K. Chalikakis, S. D. Carrière, C. Danquigny, and C. Emblanch. Karst recharge-discharge semi distributed  model  to  assess  spatial  variability  of  flows. Science of The Total Environment, 703:134368, 2020. [ DOI ]

N. Simon, O. Bour, N. Lavenant, G. Porel, B. Nauleau, B. Pouladi, and L. Longuevergne. A comparison of different methods to estimate the effective spatial resolution of FO-DTS measurements achieved during sandbox experiments. Sensors, 20(2), 2020. [ DOI ]

P. Torrese. Investigating karst aquifers: Using pseudo 3-D electrical resistivity tomography to identify major karst features. Journal of Hydrology, 580:124257, 2020. [ DOI ]


A. Barbel-Périneau, L. Barbiero, C. Danquigny, C. Emblanch, N. Mazzilli, M. Babic, R. Simler, and V. Valles. Karst flow processes explored through analysis of long-term unsaturated-zone discharge hydrochemistry: A 10-year study in Rustrel, France. Hydrogeology Journal, 27(5):1711–1723, 2019. [ DOI ]

L. Burté, C. A. Cravotta, L. Bethencourt, J. Farasin, M. Pédrot, A. Dufresne, M.-F. Gérard, C. Baranger, T. Le Borgne, and L. Aquilina. Kinetic study on clogging of a geothermal pumping well triggered by mixing-induced biogeochemical reactions. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(10):5848–5857, 2019. [ DOI ]

A. Chatterjee, M. Arshad, A. Selles, and S. Ahmed. Relation Between Water Level Fluctuation and Variation in Fluoride Concentration in Groundwater – A Case Study from Hard Rock Aquifer of Telangana, India. In H. I. Chaminé, M. Barbieri, O. Kisi, M. Chen, and B. J. Merkel, editors, Advances in Sustainable and Environmental Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Hydrochemistry and Water Resources, pages 215–218. Springer International Publishing, 2019. [ DOI ]

J. de La Bernardie, O. Bour, N. Guihéneuf, E. Chatton, L. Longuevergne, and T. Le Borgne. Dipole and convergent single-well thermal tracer tests for characterizing the effect of flow configuration on thermal recovery. Geosciences, 9(10), 2019. [ DOI ]

J. Junca, A. Bertoldi, D. O. Sabulsky, G. Lefèvre, X. Zou, J.-B. Decitre, R. Geiger, A. Landragin, S. Gaffet, P. Bouyer, and B. Canuel. Characterizing Earth gravity field fluctuations with the miga antenna for future gravitational wave detectors. Physical Review D, 99:104026, 2019. [ DOI ]

R. Mhanna, A. Naveau, M. Bueno, L. Caner, and J. Bassil. Distribution of arsenic in an argillaceous sample using sequential chemical extractions: Application to the hydrogeological experimental site of Poitiers (HESP). In E3S Web of Conferences, volume 98, 2019. [ DOI ]

S. A. Mizan, S. Ahmed, and A. Selles. Spatial estimation of groundwater storage from a 2D specific yield in the crystalline aquifer of the Maheshwaram watershed. Journal of Earth System Science, 128:185, 2019. [ DOI ]

S. A. Mizan, B. Dewandel, A. Selles, S. Ahmed, and Y. Caballero. A simple groundwater balance tool to evaluate the three-dimensional specific yield and the two-dimensional recharge: Application to a deeply weathered crystalline aquifer in southern India. Hydrogeology Journal, 27(8):3063–3080, 2019. [ DOI ]

M. Mouyen, L. Longuevergne, K. Chalikakis, N. Mazzilli, C. Ollivier, S. Rosat, J. Hinderer, and C. Champollion. Monitoring of groundwater redistribution in a karst aquifer using a superconducting gravimeter. In E3S Web of Conferences, volume 88. i-DUST 2018, 2019. [ DOI | .pdf ]

N. Y. Musadji and C. Geffroy-Rodier. Data for dynamics analysis of soil dissolved organic matter. Long term amendment effect. Data in Brief, 27:104665, 2019. [ DOI ]

M. Nicolas, O. Bour, A. Selles, B. Dewandel, V. Bailly-Comte, S. Chandra, S. Ahmed, and J.-C. Maréchal. Managed Aquifer Recharge in fractured crystalline rock aquifers: Impact of horizontal preferential flow on recharge dynamics. Journal of Hydrology, 573:717–732, 2019. [ DOI ]

M. Quenet, H. Celle-Jeanton, O. Voldoire, J. Albaric, F. Huneau, J.-L. Peiry, E. Allain, A. Garreau, and A. Beauger. Coupling hydrodynamic, geochemical and isotopic approaches to evaluate oxbow connection degree to the main stream and to adjunct alluvial aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 577:123936, 2019. [ DOI ]

L. Xiao, M. Ye, Y. Xu, and F. Gan. A simplified solution using Izbash’s equation for non-darcian flow in a constant rate pumping test. Groundwater, 57(6):962–968, 2019. [ DOI ]


L. Aquilina, C. Roques, A. Boisson, V. Vergnaud-Ayraud, T. Labasque, H. Pauwels, E. Pételet-Giraud, M. Pettenati, A. Dufresne, L. Bethencourt, and O. Bour. Autotrophic denitrification supported by biotite dissolution in crystalline aquifers (1): New insights from short-term batch experiments. Science of The Total Environment, 619-620:842–853, 2018. [ DOI ]

H. R. Bogena, T. White, O. Bour, X. Li, and K.H. Jensen. Toward better understanding of terrestrial processes through long-term hydrological observatories. Vadose Zone Journal, 17(1):180194, 2018. [ DOI ]

C. Champollion, S. Deville, J. Chéry, E. Doerflinger, N. Le Moigne, R. Bayer, P. Vernant, and N. Mazzilli. Estimating epikarst water storage by time-lapse surface-to-depth gravity measurements. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22(7):3825–3839, 2018. [ DOI | .pdf ]

M. Dangeard, L. Bodet, S. Pasquet, J. Thiesson, R. Guérin, D. Jougnot, and L. Longuevergne. Estimating picking errors in near-surface seismic data to enable their time-lapse interpretation of hydrosystems. Near Surface Geophysics, 16(6):613–625, 2018. [ DOI ]

J. de La Bernardie, O. Bour, T. Le Borgne, N. Guihéneuf, E. Chatton, T. Labasque, H. Le Lay, and M.-F. Gerard. Thermal attenuation and lag time in fractured rock: Theory and field measurements from joint heat and solute tracer tests. Water Resources Research, 54(12):10,053–10,075, 2018. [ DOI | Data ]

B. Dewandel, S. Lanini, P. Lachassagne, and J.-C. Maréchal. A generic analytical solution for modelling pumping tests in wells intersecting fractures. Journal of Hydrology, 559:89–99, 2018. [ DOI ]

B. Fores, C. Champollion, G. Mainsant, J. Albaric, and A. Fort. Monitoring saturation changes with ambient seismic noise and gravimetry in a karst environment. Vadose Zone Journal, 17(1):170163, 2018. [ DOI ]

J. Gaillardet, I. Braud, F. Hankard, S. Anquetin, O. Bour, N. Dorfliger, J.R. de Dreuzy, S. Galle, C. Galy, S. Gogo, L. Gourcy, F. Habets, F. Laggoun, L. Longuevergne, T. Le Borgne, F. Naaim-Bouvet, G. Nord, V. Simonneaux, D. Six, T. Tallec, C. Valentin, G. Abril, P. Allemand, A. Arènes, B. Arfib, L. Arnaud, N. Arnaud, P. Arnaud, S. Audry, V. Bailly Comte, C. Batiot, A. Battais, H. Bellot, E. Bernard, C. Bertrand, H. Bessière, S. Binet, J. Bodin, X. Bodin, L. Boithias, J. Bouchez, B. Boudevillain, I. Bouzou Moussa, F. Branger, J. J. Braun, P. Brunet, B. Caceres, D. Calmels, B. Cappelaere, H. Celle-Jeanton, F. Chabaux, K. Chalikakis, C. Champollion, Y. Copard, C. Cotel, P. Davy, P. Deline, G. Delrieu, J. Demarty, C. Dessert, M. Dumont, C. Emblanch, J. Ezzahar, M. Estèves, V. Favier, M. Faucheux, N. Filizola, P. Flammarion, P. Floury, O. Fovet, M. Fournier, A. J. Francez, L. Gandois, C. Gascuel, E. Gayer, C. Genthon, M. F. Gérard, D. Gilbert, I. Gouttevin, M. Grippa, G. Gruau, A. Jardani, L. Jeanneau, J. L. Join, H. Jourde, F. Karbou, D. Labat, Y. Lagadeuc, E. Lajeunesse, R. Lastennet, W. Lavado, E. Lawin, T. Lebel, C. Le Bouteiller, C. Legout, Y. Lejeune, E. Le Meur, N. Le Moigne, J. Lions, A. Lucas, J. P. Malet, C. Marais-Sicre, J. C. Maréchal, C. Marlin, P. Martin, J. Martins, J. M. Martinez, N. Massei, A. Mauclerc, N. Mazzilli, J. Molénat, P. Moreira-Turcq, E. Mougin, S. Morin, J. Ndam Ngoupayou, G. Panthou, C. Peugeot, G. Picard, M. C. Pierret, G. Porel, A. Probst, J. L. Probst, A. Rabatel, D. Raclot, L. Ravanel, F. Rejiba, P. René, O. Ribolzi, J. Riotte, A. Rivière, H. Robain, L. Ruiz, J. M. Sanchez-Perez, W. Santini, S. Sauvage, P. Schoeneich, J. L. Seidel, M. Sekhar, O. Sengtaheuanghoung, N. Silvera, M. Steinmann, A. Soruco, G. Tallec, E. Thibert, D. Valdes Lao, C. Vincent, D. Viville, P. Wagnon, and R. Zitouna. OZCAR: The French network of critical zone observatories. Vadose Zone Journal, 17(1):180067, 2018. [ DOI ]

M.-F. Gérard, T. Le Borgne, O. Bour, C. Champollion, G. Porel, J. Bodin, L. Longuevergne, K. Chalikakis, J.-C. Maréchal, A. Selles, P. Pezard, H. Celle-Jeanton, G. Mailhat, L. Bodet, D. Jougnot, A. Battais, and P. Davy. H+, un réseau National de sites hydrogéologiques pour la caractérisation, la quantification et la modélisation des transferts d’eau, d’éléments et d’énergie dans les aquifères souterrains hétérogènes. Géologues : revue de l’Union française des géologues, 195:22–27, 2018. [ DOI ]

J.-L. Mari and G. Porel. Well seismic surveying and acoustic logging, chapter Contribution of seismic and acoustic methods to the characterization of karstic formations, page p. 117. EDP Sciences, 2018. [ DOI | .pdf ]

J. Marçais, A. Gauvain, T. Labasque, B. W. Abbott, G. Pinay, L. Aquilina, F. Chabaux, D. Viville, and J.-R. de Dreuzy. Dating groundwater with dissolved silica and CFC concentrations in crystalline aquifers. Science of The Total Environment, 636:260–272, 2018. [ DOI ]

J.-C. Maréchal, A. Selles, B. Dewandel, A. Boisson, J. Perrin, and S. Ahmed. An observatory of groundwater in crystalline rock aquifers exposed to a changing environment: Hyderabad, India. Vadose Zone Journal, 17(1):180076, 2018. [ DOI ]

V. Ménoret, P. Vermeulen, N. Le Moigne, S. Bonvalot, P. Bouyer, A. Landragin, and B. Desruelle. Gravity measurements below 10-9 g with a transportable absolute quantum gravimeter. Scientific Reports, 8:12300, 2018. [ DOI ]

C. Roques, L. Aquilina, A. Boisson, V. Vergnaud-Ayraud, T. Labasque, L. Longuevergne, M. Laurencelle, A. Dufresne, J.-R. de Dreuzy, H. Pauwels, and O. Bour. Autotrophic denitrification supported by biotite dissolution in crystalline aquifers: (2) Transient mixing and denitrification dynamic during long-term pumping. Science of The Total Environment, 619-620:491–503, 2018. [ DOI ]

A. Shakas, N. Linde, T. Le Borgne, and O. Bour. Probabilistic inference of fracture-scale flow paths and aperture distribution from hydrogeophysically-monitored tracer tests. Journal of Hydrology, 567:305–319, 2018. [ DOI ]

S. Tweed, H. Celle-Jeanton, L. Cabot, F. Huneau, V. De Montety, N. Nicolau, Y. Travi, M. Babic, L. Aquilina, V. Vergnaud-Ayraud, and M. Leblanc. Impact of irrigated agriculture on groundwater resources in a temperate humid region. Science of The Total Environment, 613-614:1302–1316, 2018. [ DOI ]


S. D. Carrière, C. Danquigny, H. Davi, K. Chalikakis, C. Ollivier, N. K. Martin-StPaul, and C. Emblanch. Process-based vegetation models improve karst recharge simulation under mediterranean forest. In EuroKarst 2016, Neuchâtel, pages 109–116. Springer International Publishing, 2017.

S. D. Carrière, K. Chalikakis, C. Danquigny, and L. Torres-Rondon. Using resistivity or logarithm of resistivity to calculate depth of investigation index to assess reliability of electrical resistivity tomography. Geophysics, 82(5):EN93–EN98, 2017. [ DOI ]

A. Chatterjee, S. Sarah, P. D. Sreedevi, A. Selles, and S. Ahmed. Demarcation of fluoride vulnerability zones in granitic aquifer, semi-arid region, Telengana, India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 10(24):558, 2017. [ DOI ]

E. Chatton, T. Labasque, J. de La Bernardie, N. Guihéneuf, O. Bour, and L. Aquilina. Field continuous measurement of dissolved gases with a CF-MIMS: Applications to the physics and biogeochemistry of groundwater flow. Environmental Science & Technology, 51(2):846–854, 2017. [ DOI ]

B. Fores, C. Champollion, N. Le Moigne, and J. Chery. Impact of ambient temperature on spring-based relative gravimeter measurements. Journal of Geodesy, 91:269–277, 2017. [ DOI ]

N. Guihéneuf, O. Bour, A. Boisson, T. Le Borgne, M. W. Becker, B. Nigon, M. Wajiduddin, S. Ahmed, and J.-C. Maréchal. Insights about transport mechanisms and fracture flow channeling from multi-scale observations of tracer dispersion in shallow fractured crystalline rock. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 206:18–33, 2017. [ DOI ]

M. Le Coz, J. Bodin, and P. Renard. On the use of multiple-point statistics to improve groundwater flow modeling in karst aquifers: A case study from the hydrogeological experimental site of Poitiers, France. Journal of Hydrology, 545:109–119, 2017. [ DOI ]

M.-M. Liu, Y.-F. Chen, H. Zhan, R. Hu, and C.-B. Zhou. A generalized Forchheimer radial flow model for constant-rate tests. Advances in Water Resources, 107:317–325, 2017. [ DOI ]

J. Schuite, L. Longuevergne, O. Bour, T. J. Burbey, F. Boudin, N. Lavenant, and P. Davy. Understanding the hydromechanical behavior of a fault zone from transient surface tilt and fluid pressure observations at hourly time scales. Water Resources Research, 53(12):10558–10582, 2017. [ DOI ]

J. Schuite, L. Longuevergne, O. Bour, N. Guihéneuf, M. W. Becker, M. Cole, T. J. Burbey, N. Lavenant, and F. Boudin. Combining periodic hydraulic tests and surface tilt measurements to explore in situ fracture hydromechanics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122(8):6046–6066, 2017. [ DOI ]

A. Shakas, N. Linde, L. Baron, J. Selker, M.-F. Gerard, N. Lavenant, O. Bour, and T. Le Borgne. Neutrally buoyant tracers in hydrogeophysics: Field demonstration in fractured rock. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(8):3663–3671, 2017. [ DOI | Data ]


M. Alazard, A. Boisson, J-C. Maréchal, J. Perrin, B. Dewandel, T. Schwarz, M. Pettenati, G. Picot-Colbeaux, W. Kloppman, and S. Ahmed. Investigation of recharge dynamics and flow paths in a fractured crystalline aquifer in semi-arid india using borehole logs: Implications for managed aquifer recharge. Hydrogeology Journal, 24(1):35–57, 2016. [ DOI ]

J. Bassil, A. Naveau, C. Fontaine, L. Grasset, J. Bodin, G. Porel, M. Razack, V. Kazpard, and S.-M. Popescu. Investigation of the nature and origin of the geological matrices rich in selenium within the hydrogeological experimental site of Poitiers, France. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 348(8):598–608, 2016. [ DOI ]

V. F. Bense, T. Read, O. Bour, T. Le Borgne, T. Coleman, S. Krause, A. Chalari, M. Mondanos, F. Ciocca, and J. S. Selker. Distributed temperature sensing as a downhole tool in hydrogeology. Water Resources Research, 52(12):9259–9273, 2016. [ DOI ]

S. D. Carrière, K. Chalikakis, C. Danquigny, H. Davi, N. Mazzilli, C. Ollivier, and C. Emblanch. The role of porous matrix in water flow regulation within a karst unsaturated zone: An integrated hydrogeophysical approach. Hydrogeology Journal, 24:1905–1918, 2016. [ DOI ]

B. Fores, C. Champollion, N. Le Moigne, R. Bayer, and J. Chéry. Assessing the precision of the iGrav superconducting gravimeter for hydrological models and karstic hydrological process identification. Geophysical Journal International, 208(1):269–280, 2016. [ DOI | .pdf ]

P.-Y. Galibert. Quantitative estimation of water storage and residence time in the epikarst with time-lapse refraction seismic. Geophysical Prospecting, 64(2):431–444, 2016. [ DOI ]

M. V. Klepikova, T. Le Borgne, O. Bour, M. Dentz, R. Hochreutener, and N. Lavenant. Heat as a tracer for understanding transport processes in fractured media: Theory and field assessment from multiscale thermal push-pull tracer tests. Water Resources Research, 52(7):5442–5457, 2016. [ DOI ]

M. Le Coz, L. Zouhri, P. Lutz, G. Porel, and M. Razak. Hydrogeophysical study of textural heterogeneities in clayey-dominant deposits, hydrogeological experimental site of Poitiers. In Near Surface Geoscience 2016 – 22nd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, volume 2016. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2016. [ DOI ]

N. Lesparre, F. Boudin, C. Champollion, J. Chéry, C. Danquigny, H. C. Seat, M. Cattoen, F. Lizion, and L. Longuevergne. New insights on fractures deformation from tiltmeter data measured inside the Fontaine de Vaucluse karst system. Geophysical Journal International, 208(3):1389–1402, 2016. [ DOI | arXiv ]

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J. L. O. Mari and G. Porel. Flow detection using well seismic data. In 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2016, volume 2016, pages 1–5. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2016. [ DOI ]

N. Mazzilli, M. Boucher, K. Chalikakis, A. Legchenko, H. Jourde, and C. Champollion. Contribution of magnetic resonance soundings for characterizing water storage in the unsaturated zone of karst aquifers. Geophysics, 81(4):WB49–WB61, 2016. [ DOI ]

C. Roques, O. Bour, L. Aquilina, and B. Dewandel. High-yielding aquifers in crystalline basement: Insights about the role of fault zones, exemplified by Armorican massif, France. Hydrogeology Journal, 24:2157–2170, 2016. [ DOI ]

X. Sanchez-Vila, P. Ackerer, F. Delay, and A. Guadagnini. Characterization of reciprocity gaps from interference tests in fractured media through a dual porosity model. Water Resources Research, 52(3):1696–1704, 2016. [ DOI ]

A. Shakas, N. Linde, L. Baron, O. Bochet, O. Bour, and T. Le Borgne. Hydrogeophysical characterization of transport processes in fractured rock by combining push-pull and single-hole ground penetrating radar experiments. Water Resources Research, 52(2):938–953, 2016. [ DOI | Data ]

R. Valois, P.-Y. Galibert, R. Guerin, and V. Plagnes. Application of combined time-lapse seismic refraction and electrical resistivity tomography to the analysis of infiltration and dissolution processes in the epikarst of the Causse du Larzac (France). Near Surface Geophysics, 14(1):13–22, 2016. [ DOI ]


S. Ahmed, T. Arora, S. Sarah, F. A. Dar, T. K. Gaur, T. Warsi, and P. Raghuvendar. Viewing sub-surface for an effective managed aquifer recharge from a geophysical perspective. In Natural Water Treatment Systems for Safe and Sustainable Water Supply in the Indian Context Saph Pani, pages 113–124. IWA Publishing, 2015. [ DOI ]

L. Aquilina, V. Vergnaud-Ayraud, A. Armandine Les Landes, H. Pauwels, P. Davy, E. Pételet-Giraud, T. Labasque, C. Roques, E. Chatton, O. Bour, S. Ben Maamar, A. Dufresne, M. Khaska, C. Le Gal La Salle, and F. Barbecot. Impact of climate changes during the last 5 million years on groundwater in basement aquifers. Scientific Reports, 5, 2015. [ DOI ]

S. Ben Maamar, L. Aquilina, A. Quaiser, H. Pauwels, S. Michon-Coudouel, V. Vergnaud-Ayraud, T. Labasque, C. Roques, B. W. Abbott, and A. Dufresne. Groundwater isolation governs chemistry and microbial community structure along hydrologic flowpaths. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6:1457, 2015. [ DOI ]

A. Boisson, M. Alazard, G. Picot-Colbeaux, M. Pettenati, J. Perrin, S. Sarah, B. Dewandel, S. Ahmed, J.-C. Maréchal, and W. Kloppmann. Percolation tanks as managed aquifer recharge structures in crystalline aquifers – an example from the Maheshwaram watershed. In Natural Water Treatment Systems for Safe and Sustainable Water Supply in the Indian Context Saph Pani, pages 113–124. IWA Publishing, 2015. [ DOI ]

A. Boisson, N. Guihéneuf, J. Perrin, O. Bour, B. Dewandel, A. Dausse, M. Viossanges, S. Ahmed, and J.-C. Maréchal. Determining the vertical evolution of hydrodynamic parameters in weathered and fractured south indian crystalline-rock aquifers: Insights from a study on an instrumented site. Hydrogeology Journal, 23(4):757–773, 2015. [ DOI ]

A. Boisson, J.-C. Maréchal, J. Perrin, B. Dewandel, and S. Ahmed. Impact of vertical geological structure and water table depletion on Indian crystalline aquifers. In Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 3, pages 583–587. Springer International Publishing, 2015. [ DOI ]

A. Boisson, D. Villesseche, M. Baisset, J. Perrin, M. Viossanges, W. Kloppmann, S. Chandra, B. Dewandel, G. Picot-Colbeaux, R. Rangarajan, J.-C. Maréchal, and S. Ahmed. Questioning the impact and sustainability of percolation tanks as aquifer recharge structures in semi-arid crystalline context. Environmental Earth Sciences, 73(12):7711–7721, 2015. [ DOI ]

A. Chamroo, R. Ouvrard, T. Poinot, J. Bodin, B. Nauleau, and G. Porel. Hydrogeological experimental site of Poitiers (France). IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48(28):1262–1267, 2015. 17th IFAC Symposium on System Identification SYSID 2015. [ DOI ]

S. Chandra, A. Boisson, and S. Ahmed. Quantitative characterization to construct hard rock lithological model using dual resistivity borehole logging. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 8(6):3685–3696, 2015. [ DOI ]

P. Greco, J.-L. Mari, and G. Porel. Characterization of a heterogeneous aquifer (The Poitiers hydrogeological experimental site, France). In Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 3, pages 589–593. Springer International Publishing, 2015. [ DOI ]

P. Jamin, P. Goderniaux, O. Bour, T. Le Borgne, A. Englert, L. Longuevergne, and S. Brouyère. Contribution of the finite volume point dilution method for measurement of groundwater fluxes in a fractured aquifer. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 182:244–255, 2015. [ DOI ]

P. K. Kang, T. Le Borgne, M. Dentz, O. Bour, and R. Juanes. Impact of velocity correlation and distribution on transport in fractured media: Field evidence and theoretical model. Water Resources Research, 51(2):940–959, 2015. [ DOI | Data ]

W. Kloppmann, C. Sandhu, M. Groeschke, R. S. Pandian, G. Picot-Colbeau, M. Fahimuddin, S. Ahmed, M. Alazard, P. Amerasinghe, P. Bhola, A. Boisson, L. Elango, U. Feistel, S. Fischer, N. C. Ghosh, T. Grischek, G. Grützmacher, E. Hamann, I. S. Nair, M. Jampani, N. C. Mondal, B. Monninkhoff, M. Pettenati, S. Rao, S. Sarah, M. Schneider, S. Sklorz, D. Thiéry, , and A. Zabel. Modelling of natural water treatment systems in India: Learning from the Saph Pani case studies. In Natural Water Treatment Systems for Safe and Sustainable Water Supply in the Indian Context Saph Pani, pages 113–124. IWA Publishing, 2015. [ DOI ]

J. Marçais, J.-R. de Dreuzy, T.R. Ginn, P. Rousseau-Gueutin, and S. Leray. Inferring transit time distributions from atmospheric tracer data: Assessment of the predictive capacities of lumped parameter models on a 3D crystalline aquifer model. Journal of Hydrology, 525:619–631, 2015. [ DOI ]

S. Pasquet, L. Bodet, L. Longuevergne, A. Dhemaied, C. Camerlynck, F. Rejiba, and R. Guérin. 2D characterization of near-surface : surface-wave dispersion inversion versus refraction tomography. Near Surface Geophysics, 13(4):315–332, 2015. [ DOI | Data ]

H. Pauwels, P. Négrel, B. Dewandel, J. Perrin, C. Mascré, S. Roy, and S. Ahmed. Hydrochemical borehole logs characterizing fluoride contamination in a crystalline aquifer (Maheshwaram, India). Journal of Hydrology, 525:302–312, 2015. [ DOI ]

T. Read, V. F. Bense, R. Hochreutener, O. Bour, T. Le Borgne, N. Lavenant, and J. S. Selker. Thermal-plume fibre optic tracking (T-pot) test for flow velocity measurement in groundwater boreholes. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 4(2):197–202, 2015. [ DOI ]

J. Schuite, L. Longuevergne, O. Bour, F. Boudin, S. Durand, and N. Lavenant. Inferring field-scale properties of a fractured aquifer from ground surface deformation during a well test. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(24):10,696–10,703, 2015. [ DOI ]

A. Shorieh, G. Porel, and M. Razack. Assessment of groundwater quality in the dogger aquifer of Poitiers, Poitou-Charentes region, France. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 7:171–182, 2015. [ DOI ]

P. Torrese, F. Colantonio, P. Greco, J.-L. Mari, G. Porel, M. L. Rainone, and P. Signanini. 3D porosity block of a fractured-karst aquifer: Comparison between the porosity model achieved by 3D seismic and ERT imaging in the experimental site of Poitiers (France). In Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2015, pages 638–645, 2015. [ DOI ]


A. Boisson, M. Baïsset, M. Alazard, J. Perrin, D. Villesseche, B. Dewandel, W. Kloppmann, S. Chandra, G. Picot-Colbeaux, S. Sarah, S. Ahmed, and J.-C. Maréchal. Comparison of surface and groundwater balance approaches in the evaluation of managed aquifer recharge structures: Case of a percolation tank in a crystalline aquifer in India. Journal of Hydrology, 519:1620–1633, 2014. [ DOI ]

H. Celle-Jeanton, D. Schemberg, N. Mohammed, F. Huneau, G. Bertrand, V. Lavastre, and P. Le Coustumer. Evaluation of pharmaceuticals in surface water: Reliability of PECs compared to MECs. Environment International, 73:10–21, 2014. [ DOI ]

K. Chalikakis, S. D. Carrière, N. Mazzilli, C. Danquigny, A. Legchenko, and C. Emblanch. Water in karst hydrosystems unsaturated zone; MRS evidences within an integrated hydrogeophysical approach. In Near Surface Geoscience 2014 – 20th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, volume 2014, pages 1–5. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2014. [ DOI ]

P.-Y. Galibert, R. Valois, M. Mendes, and R. Guérin. Seismic study of the low-permeability volume in southern France karst systems. Geophysics, 79(1):EN1–EN13, 2014. [ DOI ]

N. Guihéneuf, A. Boisson, O. Bour, B. Dewandel, J. Perrin, A. Dausse, M. Viossanges, S. Chandra, S. Ahmed, and J.-C. Maréchal. Groundwater flows in weathered crystalline rocks: Impact of piezometric variations and depth-dependent fracture connectivity. Journal of Hydrology, 511:320–334, 2014. [ DOI ]

M. V. Klepikova, T. Le Borgne, O. Bour, K. Gallagher, R. Hochreutener, and N. Lavenant. Passive temperature tomography experiments to characterize transmissivity and connectivity of preferential flow paths in fractured media. Journal of Hydrology, 512:549–562, 2014. [ DOI ]

T. Labasque, L. Aquilina, V. Vergnaud, and F. Barbecot. Inter-laboratory comparison of the analyses of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and three chlorofluorocarbons (CFC-11, -12 and -113) in groundwater and an air standard. Applied Geochemistry, 50:118–129, 2014. [ DOI ]

T. Labasque, L. Aquilina, V. Vergnaud, R. Hochreutener, F. Barbecot, and G. Casile. Inter-comparison exercises on dissolved gases for groundwater dating – (1) Goals of the exercise and site choice, validation of the sampling strategy. Applied Geochemistry, 40:119–125, 2014. [ DOI ]

S. Leray, J.-R. de Dreuzy, L. Aquilina, V. Vergnaud-Ayraud, T. Labasque, O. Bour, and T. Le Borgne. Temporal evolution of age data under transient pumping conditions. Journal of Hydrology, 511:555–566, 2014. [ DOI ]

A. Massoudieh, S. Leray, and J.-R. de Dreuzy. Assessment of the value of groundwater age time-series for characterizing complex steady-state flow systems using a bayesian approach. Applied Geochemistry, 50:240–251, 2014. [ DOI ]

N. Mohammed, H. Celle-Jeanton, F. Huneau, P. Le Coustumer, V. Lavastre, G. Bertrand, G. Charrier, and M. L. Clauzet. Isotopic and geochemical identification of main groundwater supply sources to an alluvial aquifer, the Allier River valley (France). Journal of Hydrology, 508:181–196, 2014. [ DOI ]

M. Pettenati, G. Picot-Colbeaux, D. Thiéry, A. Boisson, M. Alazard, J. Perrin, B. Dewandel, J.-C. Maréchal, S. Ahmed, and W. Kloppmann. Water quality evolution during managed aquifer recharge (MAR) in indian crystalline basement aquifers: Reactive transport modeling in the critical zone. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 10:82–87, 2014. [ DOI ]

T. Read, O. Bour, J. S. Selker, V. F. Bense, T. Le Borgne, R. Hochreutener, and N. Lavenant. Active-distributed temperature sensing to continuously quantify vertical flow in boreholes. Water Resources Research, 50(5):3706–3713, 2014. [ DOI ]

S. Sarah, S. Ahmed, A. Boisson, S. Violette, and G. de Marsily. Projected groundwater balance as a state indicator for addressing sustainability and management challenges of overexploited crystalline aquifers. Journal of Hydrology, 519:1405–1419, 2014. [ DOI ]

P. Torrese, M. L. Rainone, P. Signanini, P. Greco, F. Colantonio, G. Porel, B. Nauleau, D. Paquet, and J.-L. Mari. 3D ERT imaging of the fractured-karst aquifer underlying the experimental site of Poitiers (France) : Comparing Wenner-Schlumberger, Pole-dipole and hybrid arrays. In Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2014, pages 507–515, 2014. [ DOI ]


A. Boisson, P. de Anna, O. Bour, T. Le Borgne, T. Labasque, and L. Aquilina. Reaction chain modeling of denitrification reactions during a push-pull test. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 148:1–11, 2013. [ DOI ]

S. D. Carrière, K. Chalikakis, G. Sénéchal, C. Danquigny, and C. Emblanch. Combining electrical resistivity tomography and ground penetrating radar to study geological structuring of karst unsaturated zone. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 94:31–41, 2013. [ DOI ]

F. Delay, G. Porel, and M. Chatelier. A dual flowing continuum approach to model denitrification experiments in porous media colonized by biofilms. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 150:12–24, 2013. [ DOI ]

C. Dorn, N. Linde, T. Le Borgne, O. Bour, and J.-R. de Dreuzy. Conditioning of stochastic 3-D fracture networks to hydrological and geophysical data. Advances in Water Resources, 62:79–89, 2013. [ DOI ]

J. Jiménez-Martínez, L. Longuevergne, T. Le Borgne, P. Davy, A. Russian, and O. Bour. Temporal and spatial scaling of hydraulic response to recharge in fractured aquifers: Insights from a frequency domain analysis. Water Resources Research, 49(5):3007–3023, 2013. [ DOI ]

M. V. Klepikova, T. Le Borgne, O. Bour, and J.-R. de Dreuzy. Inverse modeling of flow tomography experiments in fractured media. Water Resources Research, 49(11):7255–7265, 2013. [ DOI ]

S. Leray, J.-R. de Dreuzy, O. Bour, and E. Bresciani. Numerical modeling of the productivity of vertical to shallowly dipping fractured zones in crystalline rocks. Journal of Hydrology, 481:64–75, 2013. [ DOI ]

N. Mazzilli, H. Jourde, T. Jacob, V. Guinot, N. Le Moigne, M. Boucher, K. Chalikakis, H. Guyard, and A. Legtchenko. On the inclusion of ground-based gravity measurements to the calibration process of a global rainfall-discharge reservoir model: Case of the Durzon karst system (Larzac, southern France). Environmental Earth Sciences, 68:1631–1646, 2013. [ DOI ]

F. Moreau and O. Dauteuil. Geodetic tools for hydrogeological surveys: 3D-displacements above a fractured aquifer from GPS time series. Engineering Geology, 152(1):1–9, 2013. [ DOI ]

H. Pauwels, L. Aquilina, P. Negrel, O. Bour, J. Perrin, and S. Ahmed. Groundwater salinization in hard-rock aquifers: Impact of pumping and vertical transfers. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 7:660–664, 2013. [ DOI ]

M. Pettenati, J. Perrin, H. Pauwels, and S. Ahmed. Simulating fluoride evolution in groundwater using a reactive multicomponent transient transport model: Application to a crystalline aquifer of southern India. Applied Geochemistry, 29:102–116, 2013. [ DOI ]

T. Read, O. Bour, V. Bense, T. Le Borgne, P. Goderniaux, M. V. Klepikova, R. Hochreutener, N. Lavenant, and V. Boschero. Characterizing groundwater flow and heat transport in fractured rock using fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing. Geophysical Research Letters, 40(10):2055–2059, 2013. [ DOI ]


L. Aquilina, A. Poszwa, C. Walter, V. Vergnaud, A.-C. Pierson-Wickmann, and L. Ruiz. Long-term effects of high nitrogen loads on cation and carbon riverine export in agricultural catchments. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(17):9447–9455, 2012. [ DOI ]

L. Aquilina, V. Vergnaud-Ayraud, T. Labasque, O. Bour, J. Molénat, L. Ruiz, V. de Montety, J. De Ridder, C. Roques, and L. Longuevergne. Nitrate dynamics in agricultural catchments deduced from groundwater dating and long-term nitrate monitoring in surface‐ and groundwaters. Science of The Total Environment, 435-436:167–178, 2012. [ DOI ]

T. Blondel, C. Emblanch, C. Batiot-Guilhe, Y. Dudal, and D. Boyer. Punctual and continuous estimation of transit time from dissolved organic matter fluorescence properties in karst aquifers, application to groundwaters of ‘Fontaine de Vaucluse’ experimental basin (SE France). Environmental Earth Sciences, 65:2299–2309, 2012. [ DOI ]

J. Bodin, P. Ackerer, A. Boisson, B. Bourbiaux, D. Bruel, J.-R. de Dreuzy, F. Delay, G. Porel, and H. Pourpak. Predictive modelling of hydraulic head responses to dipole flow experiments in a fractured/karstified limestone aquifer: Insights from a comparison of five modelling approaches to real-field experiments. Journal of Hydrology, 454-455:82–100, 2012. [ DOI ]

F. Delay, P. Ackerer, B. Belfort, and A. Guadagnini. On the emergence of reciprocity gaps during interference pumping tests in unconfined aquifers. Advances in Water Resources, 46:11–19, 2012. [ DOI ]

S. Deville, T. Jacob, J. Chéry, and C. Champollion. On the impact of topography and building mask on time varying gravity due to local hydrology. Geophysical Journal International, 192(1):82–93, 2012. [ DOI | .pdf ]

B. Dewandel, J.-C. Maréchal, O. Bour, B. Ladouche, S. Ahmed, S. Chandra, and H. Pauwels. Upscaling and regionalizing hydraulic conductivity and effective porosity at watershed scale in deeply weathered crystalline aquifers. Journal of Hydrology, 416-417:83–97, 2012. [ DOI ]

C. Dorn, N. Linde, J. Doetsch, T. Le Borgne, and O. Bour. Fracture imaging within a granitic rock aquifer using multiple-offset single-hole and cross-hole GPR reflection data. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 78:123–132, 2012. [ DOI ]

C. Dorn, N. Linde, T. Le Borgne, O. Bour, and M. Klepikova. Inferring transport characteristics in a fractured rock aquifer by combining single-hole ground-penetrating radar reflection monitoring and tracer test data. Water Resources Research, 48(11), 2012. [ DOI ]

S. Leray, J.-R. de Dreuzy, O. Bour, T. Labasque, and L. Aquilina. Contribution of age data to the characterization of complex aquifers. Journal of Hydrology, 464-465:54–68, 2012. [ DOI ]

J. Perrin, S. Ferrant, S. Massuel, B. Dewandel, J.-C. Maréchal, S. Aulong, and S. Ahmed. Assessing water availability in a semi-arid watershed of southern India using a semi-distributed model. Journal of Hydrology, 460-461:143–155, 2012. [ DOI ]


G. Biessy, F. Moreau, O. Dauteuil, and O. Bour. Surface deformation of an intraplate area from GPS time series. Journal of Geodynamics, 52(1):24–33, 2011. [ DOI ]

K. Chalikakis, V. Plagnes, R. Guerin, R. Valois, and F. P. Bosch. Contribution of geophysical methods to karst-system exploration: An overview. Hydrogeology Journal, 19(6):1169, 2011. [ DOI ]

S. Chandra, S. Ahmed, and R. Rangarajan. Lithologically constrained rainfall (LCR) method for estimating spatio-temporal recharge distribution in crystalline rocks. Journal of Hydrology, 402(3):250–260, 2011. [ DOI ]

M. Chatelier, S. Ruelleu, O. Bour, G. Porel, and F. Delay. Combined fluid temperature and flow logging for the characterization of hydraulic structure in a fractured karst aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 400(3):377–386, 2011. [ DOI ]

F. Delay, P. Ackerer, and A. Guadagnini. Theoretical analysis and field evidence of reciprocity gaps during interference pumping tests. Advances in Water Resources, 34(5):592–606, 2011. [ DOI ]

B. Dewandel, P. Lachassagne, F. K. Zaidi, and S. Chandra. A conceptual hydrodynamic model of a geological discontinuity in hard rock aquifers: Example of a quartz reef in granitic terrain in south India. Journal of Hydrology, 405(3):474–487, 2011. [ DOI ]

C. Dorn, N. Linde, T. Le Borgne, O. Bour, and L. Baron. Single-hole GPR reflection imaging of solute transport in a granitic aquifer. Geophysical Research Letters, 38(8), 2011. [ DOI ]

H. H. Khan, A. Khan, S. Ahmed, and J. Perrin. GIS-based impact assessment of land-use changes on groundwater quality: Study from a rapidly urbanizing region of south India. Environmental Earth Sciences, 63(6):1289–1302, 2011. [ DOI ]

M. V. Klepikova, T. Le Borgne, O. Bour, and P. Davy. A methodology for using borehole temperature-depth profiles under ambient, single and cross-borehole pumping conditions to estimate fracture hydraulic properties. Journal of Hydrology, 407(1):145–152, 2011. [ DOI ]

P. Negrel, H. Pauwels, B. Dewandel, J.-M. Gandolfi, C. Mascré, and S. Ahmed. Understanding groundwater systems and their functioning through the study of stable water isotopes in a hard-rock aquifer (Maheshwaram watershed, India). Journal of Hydrology, 397(1):55–70, 2011. [ DOI ]

H. Pauwels, M. Pettenati, J. Perrin, and P. Négre. Vulnerability of intensively-exploited hard-rock aquifers to fluoride contamination in India: Impact of global change. In Fourth International Groundwater Conference (IGWC-2011), page 6, 2011. [ .pdf ]

J. Perrin, C. Mascré, H. Pauwels, and S. Ahmed. Solute recycling: An emerging threat to groundwater quality in southern India? Journal of Hydrology, 398(1):144–154, 2011. [ DOI ]


P. Ackerer and F. Delay. Inversion of a set of well-test interferences in a fractured limestone aquifer by using an automatic downscaling parameterization technique. Journal of Hydrology, 389(1):42–56, 2010. [ DOI ]

S. Chandra, B. Dewandel, S. Dutta, and S. Ahmed. Geophysical model of geological discontinuities in a granitic aquifer: Analyzing small scale variability of electrical resistivity for groundwater occurrences. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 71(4):137–148, 2010. [ DOI ]

B. Dewandel, J. Perrin, S. Ahmed, S. Aulong, Z. Hrkal, P. Lachassagne, M. Samad, and S. Massuel. Development of a tool for managing groundwater resources in semi-arid hard rock regions: Application to a rural watershed in south India. Hydrological Processes, 24(19):2784–2797, 2010. [ DOI ]

T. Jacob, R. Bayer, J. Chery, and N. Le Moigne. Time-lapse microgravity surveys reveal water storage heterogeneity of a karst aquifer. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 115(B6), 2010. [ DOI ]

T. Jacob, J. Chéry, F. Boudin, and R. Bayer. Monitoring deformation from hydrologic processes in a karst aquifer using long-baseline tiltmeters. Water Resources Research, 46(9), 2010. [ DOI ]

T. Le Druillennec, G. Ielsch, O. Bour, C. Tarits, G. Tymen, G. Alcalde, and L. Aquilina. Hydrogeological and geochemical control of the variations of 222Rn concentrations in a hard rock aquifer: Insights into the possible role of fracture-matrix exchanges. Applied Geochemistry, 25(3):345–356, 2010. [ DOI ]

P. Négrel, R. Millot, S. Roy, C. Guerrot, and H. Pauwels. Lead isotopes in groundwater as an indicator of water-rock interaction (Masheshwaram catchment, Andhra Pradesh, India). Chemical Geology, 274(3):136–148, 2010. [ DOI ]

H. Pauwels, V. Ayraud-Vergnaud, L. Aquilina, and J. Molénat. The fate of nitrogen and sulfur in hard-rock aquifers as shown by sulfate-isotope tracing. Applied Geochemistry, 25(1):105–115, 2010. [ DOI ]

S. Ruelleu, F. Moreau, O. Bour, D. Gapais, and G. Martelet. Impact of gently dipping discontinuities on basement aquifer recharge: An example from Ploemeur (Brittany, France). Journal of Applied Geophysics, 70(2):161–168, 2010. [ DOI ]


J.-P. Boy, L. Longuevergne, F. Boudin, T. Jacob, F. Lyard, M. Llubes, N. Florsch, and M.-F. Esnoult. Modelling atmospheric and induced non-tidal oceanic loading contributions to surface gravity and tilt measurements. Journal of Geodynamics, 48(3):182–188, 2009. [ DOI ]

T. Jacob, J. Chery, R. Bayer, N. Le Moigne, J.-P. Boy, P. Vernant, and F. Boudin. Time-lapse surface to depth gravity measurements on a karst system reveal the dominant role of the epikarst as a water storage entity. Geophysical Journal International, 177(2):347–360, 2009. [ DOI ]

B. Ladouche, L. Aquilina, and N. Dörfliger. Chemical and isotopic investigation of rainwater in southern France (1996-2002): Potential use as input signal for karst functioning investigation. Journal of Hydrology, 367(1):150–164, 2009. [ DOI ]

J. L. Mari, G. Porel, and B. Bourbiaux. From 3D seismic to 3D reservoir deterministic model thanks to logging data: The case study of a near surface heterogeneous aquifer. Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP, 64(2):119–131, 2009. [ DOI | .pdf | Data ]

M. Riva, A. Guadagnini, J. Bodin, and F. Delay. Characterization of the hydrogeological experimental site of Poitiers (France) by stochastic well testing analysis. Journal of Hydrology, 369(1):154–164, 2009. [ DOI ]


O. Audouin and J. Bodin. Cross-borehole slug test analysis in a fractured limestone aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 348(3):510–523, 2008. [ DOI ]

O. Audouin, J. Bodin, G. Porel, and B. Bourbiaux. Flowpath structure in a limestone aquifer: Multi-borehole logging investigations at the hydrogeological experimental site of Poitiers, France. Hydrogeology Journal, 16(5):939–950, 2008. [ DOI ]

V. Ayraud, L. Aquilina, T. Labasque, H. Pauwels, J. Molenat, A.-C. Pierson-Wickmann, V. Durand, O. Bour, C. Tarits, P. Le Corre, E. Fourre, P. Merot, and P. Davy. Compartmentalization of physical and chemical properties in hard-rock aquifers deduced from chemical and groundwater age analyses. Applied Geochemistry, 23(9):2686–2707, 2008. [ DOI ]

S. Bernard and F. Delay. Determination of porosity and storage capacity of a calcareous aquifer (France) by correlation and spectral analyses of time series. Hydrogeology Journal, 16(7):1299–1309, 2008. [ DOI ]

F. Boudin, P. Bernard, L. Longuevergne, N. Florsch, C. Larmat, C. Courteille, P.-A. Blum, T. Vincent, and M. Kammentaler. A silica long base tiltmeter with high stability and resolution. Review of Scientific Instruments, 79(3):034502, 2008. [ DOI ]

S. Chandra, S. Ahmed, A. Ram, and B. Dewandel. Estimation of hard rock aquifers hydraulic conductivity from geoelectrical measurements: A theoretical development with field application. Journal of Hydrology, 357(3):218–227, 2008. [ DOI ]

B. Dewandel, J.-M. Gandolfi, D. de Condappa, and S. Ahmed. An efficient methodology for estimating irrigation return flow coefficients of irrigated crops at watershed and seasonal scale. Hydrological Processes, 22(11):1700–1712, 2008. [ DOI ]

B. Garry, T. Blondel, C. Emblanch, C. Sudre, S. Bilgot, A. Cavaillou, D. Boyer, , and M. Auguste. Contribution of artificial galleries to the knowledge of karstic system behaviour in addition to natural cavern data. International Journal of Speleology, 37(1):75–82, 2008. [ .pdf ]

T. Jacob, R. Bayer, J. Chery, H. Jourde, N. Le Moigne, J.-P. Boy, J. Hinderer, B. Luck, and P. Brunet. Absolute gravity monitoring of water storage variation in a karst aquifer on the Larzac plateau (Southern France). Journal of Hydrology, 359(1):105–117, 2008. [ DOI ]

J.-L. Mari and G. Porel. 3D seismic imaging of a near-surface heterogeneous aquifer: A case study. Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP, 63(2):179–201, 2008. [ DOI | .pdf ]


O. Audouin and J. Bodin. Analysis of slug-tests with high-frequency oscillations. Journal of Hydrology, 334(1):282–289, 2007. [ DOI ]

J.-R. de Dreuzy and P. Davy. Relation between fractional flow models and fractal or long-range 2-D permeability fields. Water Resources Research, 43(4), 2007. [ DOI ]

F. Delay, A. Kaczmaryk, and P. Ackerer. Inversion of interference hydraulic pumping tests in both homogeneous and fractal dual media. Advances in Water Resources, 30(3):314–334, 2007. [ DOI ]

B. Dewandel, J. M. Gandolfi, F. K. Zaidi, S. Ahmed, and K. Subrahmanyam. A decision support tool with variable agroclimatic scenarios for sustainable groundwater management in semi-arid hard-rock areas. Current Science, 92(8):1093–1102, 2007.

A. Kaczmaryk and F. Delay. Improving dual-porosity-medium approaches to account for karstic flow in a fractured limestone: Application to the automatic inversion of hydraulic interference tests (hydrogeological experimental site, HES – Poitiers – France). Journal of Hydrology, 347(3):391–403, 2007. [ DOI ]

A. Kaczmaryk and F. Delay. Interference pumping tests in a fractured limestone (Poitiers – France): Inversion of data by means of dual-medium approaches. Journal of Hydrology, 337(1):133–146, 2007. [ DOI ]

D. Kumar, S. Ahmed, N. S. Krishnamurthy, and B. Dewandel. Reducing ambiguities in vertical electrical sounding interpretations: A geostatistical application. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 62(1):16–32, 2007. [ DOI ]

T. Le Borgne, O. Bour, M. S. Riley, P. Gouze, P. A. Pezard, A. Belghoul, G. Lods, R. Le Provost, R. B. Greswell, P. A. Ellis, E. Isakov, and B. J. Last. Comparison of alternative methodologies for identifying and characterizing preferential flow paths in heterogeneous aquifers. Journal of Hydrology, 345(3):134–148, 2007. [ DOI ]

J.-C. Maréchal, B. Dewandel, S. Ahmed, and P. Lachassagne. Hard rock aquifers characterization prior to modelling at catchment scale: An application in India. In Groundwater in fractured rocks, IAH Selected Papers, pages 227–242. Springer, 2007.

F. Ubertosi, F. Delay, J. Bodin, and G. Porel. A new method for generating a pipe network to handle channelled flow in fractured rocks. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 339(10):682–691, 2007. [ DOI ]

F. K. Zaidi, S. Ahmed, B. Dewandel, and J.-C. Maréchal. Optimizing a piezometric network in the estimation of the groundwater budget: A case study from a crystalline-rock watershed in southern India. Hydrogeology Journal, 15(6):1131–1145, 2007. [ DOI ]


L. Aquilina, B. Ladouche, and N. Dörfliger. Water storage and transfer in the epikarst of karstic systems during high flow periods. Journal of Hydrology, 327(3):472–485, 2006. [ DOI ]

S. Bernard, F. Delay, and G. Porel. A new method of data inversion for the identification of fractal characteristics and homogenization scale from hydraulic pumping tests in fractured aquifers. Journal of Hydrology, 328(3):647–658, 2006. [ DOI ]

D. Dewandel, P. Lachassagne, R. Wyns, J.-C. Maréchal, and N. S. Krishnamurthy. A generalized 3-D geological and hydrogeological conceptual model of granite aquifers controlled by single or multiphase weathering. Journal of Hydrology, 330(1):260–284, 2006. [ DOI ]

S. Dutta, N. S. Krishnamurthy, T. Arora, V. A. Rao, S. Ahmed, and J. M. Baltassat. Localization of water bearing fractured zones in a hard rock area using integrated geophysical techniques in Andhra Pradesh, India. Hydrogeology Journal, 14:760–766, 2006. [ DOI ]

T. Le Borgne, O. Bour, F. L. Paillet, and J.-P. Caudal. Assessment of preferential flow path connectivity and hydraulic properties at single-borehole and cross-borehole scales in a fractured aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 328(1):347–359, 2006. [ DOI ]

T. Le Borgne, F. Paillet, O. Bour, and J.-P. Caudal. Cross-borehole flowmeter tests for transient heads in heterogeneous aquifers. Groundwater, 44(3):444–452, 2006. [ DOI ]

J.-C. Maréchal, S. Ahmed, C. Engerrand, L. Galeazzi, and F. Touchard. Threatened groundwater resources in rural India: An example of monitoring. Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, 3(2):15–21, 2006. [ .pdf ]

J.-C. Maréchal, B. Dewandel, S. Ahmed, L. Galeazzi, and F. K. Zaidi. Combined estimation of specific yield and natural recharge in a semi-arid groundwater basin with irrigated agriculture. Journal of Hydrology, 329(1):281–293, 2006. [ DOI ]

F. Moreau, O. Dauteuil, O. Bour, and P. Gavrilenko. GPS measurements of ground deformation induced by water level variations into a granitic aquifer (French Brittany). Terra Nova, 18(1):50–54, 2006. [ DOI ]

T. Rerolle, N. Florsch, M. Llubes, F. Boudin, and L. Longuevergne. L’inclinométrie, un nouvel outil pour le suivi temporel des aquifères ? Comptes Rendus Géoscience, 338(11):775–786, 2006. [ DOI ]

P. D. Sreedevi, S. Ahmed, B. Made, E. Ledoux, and J. M. Gandolfi. Association of hydrogeological factors in temporal variations of fluoride concentration in a crystalline aquifer in India. Environmental Geology, 50:1–11, 2006. [ DOI ]

C. Tarits, L. Aquilina, V. Ayraud, H. Pauwels, P. Davy, F. Touchard, and O. Bour. Oxido-reduction sequence related to flux variations of groundwater from a fractured basement aquifer (Ploemeur area, France). Applied Geochemistry, 21(1):29–47, 2006. [ DOI ]


F. Delay, G. Porel, and S. Bernard. Analytical 2D model to invert hydraulic pumping tests in fractured rocks with fractal behavior. Geophysical Research Letters, 31(16), 2004. [ DOI ]

T. Le Borgne, O. Bour, J. R. de Dreuzy, P. Davy, and F. Touchard. Equivalent mean flow models for fractured aquifers: Insights from a pumping tests scaling interpretation. Water Resources Research, 40(3), 2004. [ DOI ]

J. C. Maréchal, B. Dewandel, and K. Subrahmanyam. Use of hydraulic tests at different scales to characterize fracture network properties in the weathered-fractured layer of a hard rock aquifer. Water Resources Research, 40(11), 2004. [ DOI ]

J.-C. Maréchal, R. Wyns, P. Lachassagne, and K. Subrahmanyam. Vertical anisotropy of hydraulic conductivity in the fissured layer of hard-rock aquifers due to the geological structure of weathering profiles. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 63(5):545–550, 2004. [ .pdf ]


J.-C. Maréchal, B. Dewandel, K. Subrahmanyam, and R. Torri. Specific methods for the evaluation of hydraulic properties in fractured hard-rock aquifers. Current Science, 85(4):511–516, 2003. [ .pdf ]

J.-C. Maréchal, R. Wyns, P. Lachassagne, K. Subrahmanyam, and F. Touchard. Anisotropie verticale de la perméabilité de l’horizon fissuré des aquifères de socle : Concordance avec la structure géologique des profils d’altération. Comptes Rendus Géoscience, 335:451–460, 2003. [ .pdf ]

J.C. Maréchal, L. Galeazzi, B. Dewandel, and S. Ahmed. Importance of irrigation return flow on the groundwater budget of a rural basin in India. In Hydrology of the Mediterranean and semiarid regions, International Symposium at Montpellier, number 278, pages 62–67. IAHS, 2003. [ .pdf ]

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J. Gaillardet, I. Braud, F. Hankard, S. Anquetin, O. Bour, N. Dorfliger, J.R. de Dreuzy, S. Galle, C. Galy, S. Gogo, L. Gourcy, F. Habets, F. Laggoun, L. Longuevergne, T. Le Borgne, F. Naaim-Bouvet, G. Nord, V. Simonneaux, D. Six, T. Tallec, C. Valentin, G. Abril, P. Allemand, A. Arènes, B. Arfib, L. Arnaud, N. Arnaud, P. Arnaud, S. Audry, V. Bailly Comte, C. Batiot, A. Battais, H. Bellot, E. Bernard, C. Bertrand, H. Bessière, S. Binet, J. Bodin, X. Bodin, L. Boithias, J. Bouchez, B. Boudevillain, I. Bouzou Moussa, F. Branger, J. J. Braun, P. Brunet, B. Caceres, D. Calmels, B. Cappelaere, H. Celle-Jeanton, F. Chabaux, K. Chalikakis, C. Champollion, Y. Copard, C. Cotel, P. Davy, P. Deline, G. Delrieu, J. Demarty, C. Dessert, M. Dumont, C. Emblanch, J. Ezzahar, M. Estèves, V. Favier, M. Faucheux, N. Filizola, P. Flammarion, P. Floury, O. Fovet, M. Fournier, A. J. Francez, L. Gandois, C. Gascuel, E. Gayer, C. Genthon, M. F. Gérard, D. Gilbert, I. Gouttevin, M. Grippa, G. Gruau, A. Jardani, L. Jeanneau, J. L. Join, H. Jourde, F. Karbou, D. Labat, Y. Lagadeuc, E. Lajeunesse, R. Lastennet, W. Lavado, E. Lawin, T. Lebel, C. Le Bouteiller, C. Legout, Y. Lejeune, E. Le Meur, N. Le Moigne, J. Lions, A. Lucas, J. P. Malet, C. Marais-Sicre, J. C. Maréchal, C. Marlin, P. Martin, J. Martins, J. M. Martinez, N. Massei, A. Mauclerc, N. Mazzilli, J. Molénat, P. Moreira-Turcq, E. Mougin, S. Morin, J. Ndam Ngoupayou, G. Panthou, C. Peugeot, G. Picard, M. C. Pierret, G. Porel, A. Probst, J. L. Probst, A. Rabatel, D. Raclot, L. Ravanel, F. Rejiba, P. René, O. Ribolzi, J. Riotte, A. Rivière, H. Robain, L. Ruiz, J. M. Sanchez-Perez, W. Santini, S. Sauvage, P. Schoeneich, J. L. Seidel, M. Sekhar, O. Sengtaheuanghoung, N. Silvera, M. Steinmann, A. Soruco, G. Tallec, E. Thibert, D. Valdes Lao, C. Vincent, D. Viville, P. Wagnon, and R. Zitouna. Ozcar: The french network of critical zone observatories. Vadose Zone Journal, 17(1):180067, 2018. [ DOI ]

M.-F. Gérard, T. Le Borgne, O. Bour, C. Champollion, G. Porel, J. Bodin, L. Longuevergne, K. Chalikakis, J.-C. Maréchal, A. Selles, P. Pezard, H. Celle-Jeanton, G. Mailhat, L. Bodet, D. Jougnot, A. Battais, and P. Davy. H+, un réseau National de sites hydrogéologiques pour la caractérisation, la quantification et la modélisation des transferts d’eau, d’éléments et d’énergie dans les aquifères souterrains hétérogènes. Géologues : revue de l’Union française des géologues, 195:22–27, 2018. [ DOI ]


C. Garing, P. Gouze, M. Kassab, M. Riva, and A. Guadagnini. Anti-correlated porosity–permeability changes during the dissolution of carbonate rocks: Experimental evidences and modeling. Transport in Porous Media, 107:595 — 621, 2015. [ DOI ]

V. Hebert, C. Garing, L. Luquot, P. A. Pezard, and P. Gouze. Multi-scale X-ray tomography analysis of carbonate porosity. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 406(1):61–79, 2015. [ DOI ]

M. Rabineau, S. Cloetingh, J. Kuroda, D. Aslanian, A. Droxler, C. Gorini, D. Garcia-Castellanos, A. Moscariello, E. Burov, F. Sierro, F. Lirer, F. Roure, P. A. Pezard, L. Matenco, Y. Hello, Y. Mart, A. Camerlenghi, and A. Tripati. Probing connections between deep earth and surface processes in a land-locked ocean basin transformed into a giant saline basin: The Mediterranean GOLD project#. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 66:6 — 17, 2015. [ DOI ]

M. Siena, J. D. Hyman, M. Riva, A. Guadagnini, C. L. Winter, P. K. Smolarkiewicz, P. Gouze, S. Sadhukhan, F. Inzoli, G. Guédon, and E. Colombo. Direct numerical simulation of fully saturated flow in natural porous media at the pore scale: a comparison of three computational systems. Computational Geosciences, 19:423 — 437, 2015. [ DOI ]


C. Garing, L. Luquot, P. A. Pezard, and P. Gouze. Electrical and flow properties of highly heterogeneous carbonate rocks. AAPG Bulletin, 98(1):49 — 66, 2014. [ DOI ]

A. Giri, S. Tarafdar, P. Gouze, and T. Dutta. Multifractal analysis of the pore space of real and simulated sedimentary rocks. Geophysical Journal International, 200(2):1108–1117, 2014. [ DOI ]

M. Héry, A. Volant, C. Garing, L. Luquot, F. Elbaz-Poulichet, and P. Gouze. Diversity and geochemical structuring of bacterial communities along a salinity gradient in a carbonate aquifer subject to seawater intrusion. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 90(3):922–934, 2014. [ DOI ]

L. Luquot, O. Rodriguez, and P Gouze. Experimental characterization of porosity structure and transport property changes in limestone undergoing different dissolution regimes. Transport in Porous Media, 101:507–532, 2014. [ DOI ]

A. Maillard, O. Driussi, J. Lofi, A. Briais, F. Chanier, C. Hübscher, and V. Gaullier. Record of the Messinian Salinity Crisis in the SW Mallorca area (Balearic Promontory, Spain). Marine Geology, 357:304 — 320, 2014. [ DOI ]

S. Sadhukhan, P. Gouze, and T. Dutta. A simulation study of reactive flow in 2-D involving dissolution and precipitation in sedimentary rocks. Journal of Hydrology, 519:2101 — 2110, 2014. [ DOI ]


C. Garing, L. Luquot, P. A. Pezard, and P. Gouze. Geochemical investigations of saltwater intrusion into the coastal carbonate aquifer of Mallorca, Spain. Applied Geochemistry, 39:1 — 10, 2013. [ DOI ]

P. O. Mangane, P. Gouze, and L. Luquot. Permeability impairment of a limestone reservoir triggered by heterogeneous dissolution and particles migration during CO2-rich injection. Geophysical Research Letters, 40(17):4614–4619, 2013. [ DOI ]


A. Giri, S. Tarafdar, P. Gouze, and T. Dutta. Fractal geometry of sedimentary rocks: simulation in 3-D using a Relaxed Bidisperse Ballistic Deposition Model. Geophysical Journal International, 192(3):1059–1069, 2012. [ DOI ]

S. Sadhukhan, P. Gouze, and T. Dutta. Porosity and permeability changes in sedimentary rocks induced by injection of reactive fluid: A simulation model. Journal of Hydrology, 450-451:134 — 139, 2012. [ DOI ]


M. Dentz, P. Gouze, and J. Carrera. Effective non-local reaction kinetics for transport in physically and chemically heterogeneous media. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 120-121:222 — 236, 2011. [ DOI ]

P. Gouze and L. Luquot. X-ray microtomography characterization of porosity, permeability and reactive surface changes during dissolution. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 120-121:45 — 55, 2011. [ DOI ]


S. Dupraz, B. Ménez, P. Gouze, R. Leprovost, P. Bénézeth, O. S. Pokrovsky, and F. Guyot. Experimental approach of CO2 biomineralization in deep saline aquifers. Chemical Geology, 265(1):54 — 62, 2009. [ DOI ]

P. Gouze, R. Leprovost, T. Poidras, T. Le Borgne, G. Lods, and P. A. Pezard. CoFIS and TELog: New downhole tools for characterizing dispersion processes in aquifers by single-well injection-withdrawal tracer tests. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 341(10):965–975, 2009. [ DOI ]

L. Luquot and P. Gouze. Experimental determination of porosity and permeability changes induced by injection of CO2 into carbonate rocks. Chemical Geology, 265(1):148–159, 2009. [ DOI ]

C. Noiriel, L. Luquot, B. Madé, L. Raimbault, P. Gouze, and J. van der Lee. Changes in reactive surface area during limestone dissolution: An experimental and modelling study. Chemical Geology, 265(1):160–170, 2009. [ DOI ]

P. A. Pezard, S. Gautier, T. Le Borgne, B. Legros, and J.-L. Deltombe. MuSET: A multiparameter and high precision sensor for downhole spontaneous electrical potential measurements. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 341(10):957–964, 2009. [ DOI ]


P. Gouze, T. Le Borgne, R. Leprovost, G. Lods, T. Poidras, and P. Pezard. Non-Fickian dispersion in porous media: 1. Multiscale measurements using single-well injection withdrawal tracer tests. Water Resources Research, 44(6), 2008. [ DOI ]

P. Gouze, Y. Melean, T. Le Borgne, M. Dentz, and J. Carrera. Non-Fickian dispersion in porous media explained by heterogeneous microscale matrix diffusion. Water Resources Research, 44(11), 2008. [ DOI ]

T. Le Borgne and P. Gouze. Non-Fickian dispersion in porous media: 2. Model validation from measurements at different scales. Water Resources Research, 44(6), 2008. [ DOI ]


C. Noiriel, B. Madé, and P. Gouze. Impact of coating development on the hydraulic and transport properties in argillaceous limestone fracture. Water Resources Research, 43(9), 2007. [ DOI ]

N. Van Meir, D. Jaeggi, M. Herfort, S. Loew, P. A. Pezard, and G. Lods. Characterizing flow zones in a fractured and karstified limestone aquifer through integrated interpretation of geophysical and hydraulic data. Hydrogeology Journal, 15(2):225–240, 2007. [ DOI ]


J.-R. De Dreuzy, J. Bodin, H. Le Grand, P. Davy, D. Boulanger, A. Battais, O. Bour, P. Gouze, and G. Porel. General database for ground water site information. Groundwater, 44(5):743–748, 2006. [ DOI ]


C. Noiriel, P. Gouze, and D. Bernard. Investigation of porosity and permeability effects from microstructure changes during limestone dissolution. Geophysical Research Letters, 31(24), 2004. [ DOI ]
