European training Network for In situ imaGing of dynaMic processes in heterogeneous subsurfAce environments

ENIGMA ITN’s website : https://enigma-itn.eu/

ENIGMA ITN is an Innovative Training Network funded by the European Commission (2016-2021). It was created with an objectif of training a new generation of young researchers in the development of innovative methods for imaging process dynamics in subsurface hydrosystems, in order to enhance understanding and predictive modelling capacities and to transfer these innovations to the economic sector.

The 15 young PhD students  trained within the network contributed to develop the spatial representation of subsurface heterogeneity, fluxes, chemical reactions and microbial activity, through the integration of data and approaches from geophysics, hydrology, soil physics, and biochemistry.

Within ENIGMA ITN, PhD students have inserted obtained data in the Hplus database. All the data are available upon request of an account.

You can find a short description and first visualisation of data of the ENIGMA sites following the links below:


Description of the site The Argentona site is located at about 30 km northeast of Barcelona near the “Riera de Argentona”, an ephemeral stream. The site has a mean elevation of 3 m and an area of about 1500 m2. The climate of the area is sub-Mediterranean with a mean annual precipitation of 584 mm […]

Äspo Hard Rock Laboratory

Description of the site The Äspo Hard Rock Laboratory (HRL) is an underground scientific facility below the Äspo Island located at approximately 300 km south of Stockholm, in the Simpevarp peninsula surrounded by the Baltic Sea. This Research and Development (R&D) site was built in 1986 (Cosma et al., 2001; Milnes, 2002) by the Swedish […]


Description of the site This observatory site is located in Aeschau (region of Emmental, Switzerland). The study area (0.8 km2) lies in the Upper part of Emme River Valley, a pre-alpine, alluvial valley situated at the northern margin of the Alps. The underlying aquifer is formed by quaternary deposits, composed of sandy gravels and cobbles, […]


Description of the site The Evi-1 site is located in the Skjern catchment (Denmark) and is part of the HOBE sites. More information can be found in this presentation.   Data availability Predefined requests To help finding general datasets, predefined database requests have been created and are regularly executed. Results can be downloaded from the […]


Description of the site The Hermalle-sous-Argenteau test site is located around 13 km north-east of the city of Liège in Belgium. The test site consists of alluvial sediments (Wildemeersch et al., 2014). The first layer is composed of loam with clay lenses (1 to 1.5 m below land surface). The second layer is composed of […]


Description of the site The experimental test site consists of two adjacent wells Pz1 and Pz2, which have been drilled to a depth of 50 m in a porous/fractured chalk system. The two wells are located around 5.5 km WNW from Mons city in South-West Belgium. They are 7.55 m distant and are mainly hydraulically […]
