Associated sites publications

Associated sites publications


C. Ariagno, C. Le Bouteiller, P. van der Beek, and S. Klotz. Sediment export in marly badland catchments modulated by frost-cracking intensity, Draix–Bléone Critical Zone Observatory, SE France. Earth Surf. Dynam., 10:81–96, 2022. [ DOI ]

Q. Chaffaut, N. Lesparre, F. Masson, J. Hinderer, D. Viville, J-D. Bernard, G. Ferhat, and S. Cotel. Hybrid Gravimetry to Map Water Storage Dynamics in a Mountain Catchment. Frontiers in Water, 3:715298, 2022. [ DOI | Data ]

H. Haddad, M. Jodeau, C. Legout, G. Antoine, and I. G. Droppo. Spatial variability of the erodibility of fine sediments deposited in two alpine gravel-bed rivers: The Isère and Galabre. CATENA, 212:106084, 2022. [ DOI ]


C. Le Bouteiller, G. Chambon, F. Naaim-Bouvet, and N. Mathys. Hydraulics and rheology of natural hyperconcentrated flows from Draix-Bleone observatory, French Alps. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 59:2, 181-195, 2021. [ DOI ]

O. Fovet, A. Belemtougri, L. Boithias, I. Braud, J.-B. Charlier, M. Cottet, K. Daudin, G. Dramais, A. Ducharne, N. Folton, M. Grippa, B. Hector, S. Kuppel, J. Le Coz, L. Legal, P. Martin, F. Moatar, J. Molénat, A. Probst, J. Riotte, J.-P. Vidal, F. Vinatier, T. Datry. Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: Perspectives for critical zone science and research on socio-ecosystems. WIREs Water, 8:e1523, 2021. [ DOI ]

R. Hoffmann, P. Goderniaux, P. Jamin, P. Orban, S. Brouyère, and A. Dassargues. Differentiated influence of the double porosity of the chalk on solute and heat transport. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, SP517-2020-170, 2021. [ DOI | Data ]

J. Molron, N. Linde, P. Davy, L. Baron, C. Darcel, J.-O. Selroos, T. Le Borgne, and D. Doolaeghe. GPR-inferred fracture aperture widening in response to a high-pressure tracer injection test at the Äspö hardrock laboratory, Sweden. Engineering Geology, 292:106249, 2021. [ DOI | Data ]

C. Legout, G. Freche, R. Biron, M. Esteves, O. Navratil, G. Nord, M. Uber, T. Grangeon, N. Hachgenei, B. Boudevillain, C. Voiron, and L. Spadini. A critical zone observatory dedicated to suspended sediment transport: The meso-scale Galabre catchment (southern French Alps). Hydrological Processes, 35:e14084, 2021. [ DOI ]


L. Blazevic, L. Bodet, S. Pasquet, N. Linde, D. Jougnot, and L. Longuevergne. Time-lapse seismic and electrical monitoring of the vadose zone during a controlled infiltration experiment at the Ploemeur hydrological observatory, France. Water, 12(5):1230, 2020. [ DOI | Data ]

A. Carriere, C. Le Bouteiller, G. E. Tucker, S. Klotz, and M. Naaim. Impact of vegetation on erosion: Insights from the calibration and test of a landscape evolution model in alpine badland catchments. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 45:1085– 1099, 2020. [ DOI ]

R. Hoffmann, P. Goderniaux, P. Jamin, E. Chatton, J. de la Bernardie, T. Labasque, T. Le Borgne, and A. Dassargues. Continuous dissolved gas tracing of fracture-matrix exchanges. Geophysical Research Letters, 47:e2020GL088944, 2020. [ DOI | Data ]

N. Lesparre, J.-F. Girard, B. Jeannot, S. Weill, M. Dumont, M. Boucher, D. Viville, M.-C. Pierret, A. Legchenko, and F. Delay. Magnetic resonance sounding dataset of a hard-rock headwater catchment for assessing the vertical distribution of water contents in the subsurface. Data in Brief, 31:105708, 2020. [ DOI | Data ]

N. Lesparre, J.-F. Girard, B. Jeannot, S. Weill, M. Dumont, M. Boucher, D. Viville, M.-C. Pierret, A. Legchenko, and F. Delay. Magnetic resonance sounding measurements as posterior information to condition hydrological model parameters: Application to a hard-rock headwater catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 587:124941, 2020. [ DOI | Data ]

J. Molron, N. Linde, L. Baron, J.-O. Selroos, C. Darcel, and P. Davy. Which fractures are imaged with ground penetrating radar? Results from an experiment in the Äspö hardrock laboratory, Sweden. Engineering Geology, 273:105674, 2020. [ DOI | Data ]

G. Nord, Y. Michielin, R. Biron, M. Esteves, G. Freche, T. Geay, A. Hauet, C. Legoût, and B. Mercier. An autonomous low-power instrument platform for monitoring water and solid discharges in mesoscale rivers. Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data, 9:41–67, 2020. [ DOI ]

A. Palacios, J. J. Ledo, N. Linde, L. Luquot, F. Bellmunt, A. Folch, A. Marcuello, P. Queralt, P. A. Pezard, L. Martínez, L. del Val, D. Bosch, and J. Carrera. Time-lapse cross-hole electrical resistivity tomography (CHERT) for monitoring seawater intrusion dynamics in a mediterranean aquifer. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24(4):2121–2139, 2020. [ DOI | Data ]

V. Ponnou-Delaffon, A. Probst, V. Payre-Suc, F. Granouillac, S. Ferrant, A.-S. Perrin, J.-L. Probst. Long and short-term trends of stream hydrochemistry and high frequency surveys as indicators of the influence of climate change, agricultural practices and internal processes (Aurade agricultural catchment, SW France. Ecological Indicators, 110:105894, 2020. [ DOI ]


C. Duque, S. Jessen, J. Tirado-Conde, S. Karan, and P. Engesgaard. Application of stable isotopes of water to study coupled submarine groundwater discharge and nutrient delivery. Water, 11(9):1842, 2019. [ DOI ]

R. Hoffmann, A. Dassargues, P. Goderniaux, and T. Hermans. Heterogeneity and prior uncertainty investigation using a joint heat and solute tracer experiment in alluvial sediments. Frontiers in Earth Science, 7:108, 2019. [ DOI ]

M. Siena, M. Riva, M. Giamberini, P. Gouze, and A. Guadagnini. Statistical modeling of gas-permeability spatial variability along a limestone core. Spatial Statistics, 34:100249, 2019. [ DOI ]


J. Gaillardet, I. Braud, F. Hankard, S. Anquetin, O. Bour, N. Dorfliger, J.R. de Dreuzy, S. Galle, C. Galy, S. Gogo, L. Gourcy, F. Habets, F. Laggoun, L. Longuevergne, T. Le Borgne, F. Naaim-Bouvet, G. Nord, V. Simonneaux, D. Six, T. Tallec, C. Valentin, G. Abril, P. Allemand, A. Arènes, B. Arfib, L. Arnaud, N. Arnaud, P. Arnaud, S. Audry, V. Bailly Comte, C. Batiot, A. Battais, H. Bellot, E. Bernard, C. Bertrand, H. Bessière, S. Binet, J. Bodin, X. Bodin, L. Boithias, J. Bouchez, B. Boudevillain, I. Bouzou Moussa, F. Branger, J. J. Braun, P. Brunet, B. Caceres, D. Calmels, B. Cappelaere, H. Celle-Jeanton, F. Chabaux, K. Chalikakis, C. Champollion, Y. Copard, C. Cotel, P. Davy, P. Deline, G. Delrieu, J. Demarty, C. Dessert, M. Dumont, C. Emblanch, J. Ezzahar, M. Estèves, V. Favier, M. Faucheux, N. Filizola, P. Flammarion, P. Floury, O. Fovet, M. Fournier, A. J. Francez, L. Gandois, C. Gascuel, E. Gayer, C. Genthon, M. F. Gérard, D. Gilbert, I. Gouttevin, M. Grippa, G. Gruau, A. Jardani, L. Jeanneau, J. L. Join, H. Jourde, F. Karbou, D. Labat, Y. Lagadeuc, E. Lajeunesse, R. Lastennet, W. Lavado, E. Lawin, T. Lebel, C. Le Bouteiller, C. Legout, Y. Lejeune, E. Le Meur, N. Le Moigne, J. Lions, A. Lucas, J. P. Malet, C. Marais-Sicre, J. C. Maréchal, C. Marlin, P. Martin, J. Martins, J. M. Martinez, N. Massei, A. Mauclerc, N. Mazzilli, J. Molénat, P. Moreira-Turcq, E. Mougin, S. Morin, J. Ndam Ngoupayou, G. Panthou, C. Peugeot, G. Picard, M. C. Pierret, G. Porel, A. Probst, J. L. Probst, A. Rabatel, D. Raclot, L. Ravanel, F. Rejiba, P. René, O. Ribolzi, J. Riotte, A. Rivière, H. Robain, L. Ruiz, J. M. Sanchez-Perez, W. Santini, S. Sauvage, P. Schoeneich, J. L. Seidel, M. Sekhar, O. Sengtaheuanghoung, N. Silvera, M. Steinmann, A. Soruco, G. Tallec, E. Thibert, D. Valdes Lao, C. Vincent, D. Viville, P. Wagnon, and R. Zitouna. Ozcar: The french network of critical zone observatories. Vadose Zone Journal, 17(1):180067, 2018. [ DOI ]

M.-F. Gérard, T. Le Borgne, O. Bour, C. Champollion, G. Porel, J. Bodin, L. Longuevergne, K. Chalikakis, J.-C. Maréchal, A. Selles, P. Pezard, H. Celle-Jeanton, G. Mailhat, L. Bodet, D. Jougnot, A. Battais, and P. Davy. H+, un réseau National de sites hydrogéologiques pour la caractérisation, la quantification et la modélisation des transferts d’eau, d’éléments et d’énergie dans les aquifères souterrains hétérogènes. Géologues : revue de l’Union française des géologues, 195:22–27, 2018. [ DOI ]


C. Garing, P. Gouze, M. Kassab, M. Riva, and A. Guadagnini. Anti-correlated porosity–permeability changes during the dissolution of carbonate rocks: Experimental evidences and modeling. Transport in Porous Media, 107:595 — 621, 2015. [ DOI ]

V. Hebert, C. Garing, L. Luquot, P. A. Pezard, and P. Gouze. Multi-scale X-ray tomography analysis of carbonate porosity. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 406(1):61–79, 2015. [ DOI ]

M. Rabineau, S. Cloetingh, J. Kuroda, D. Aslanian, A. Droxler, C. Gorini, D. Garcia-Castellanos, A. Moscariello, E. Burov, F. Sierro, F. Lirer, F. Roure, P. A. Pezard, L. Matenco, Y. Hello, Y. Mart, A. Camerlenghi, and A. Tripati. Probing connections between deep earth and surface processes in a land-locked ocean basin transformed into a giant saline basin: The Mediterranean GOLD project#. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 66:6 — 17, 2015. [ DOI ]

M. Siena, J. D. Hyman, M. Riva, A. Guadagnini, C. L. Winter, P. K. Smolarkiewicz, P. Gouze, S. Sadhukhan, F. Inzoli, G. Guédon, and E. Colombo. Direct numerical simulation of fully saturated flow in natural porous media at the pore scale: a comparison of three computational systems. Computational Geosciences, 19:423 — 437, 2015. [ DOI ]


C. Garing, L. Luquot, P. A. Pezard, and P. Gouze. Electrical and flow properties of highly heterogeneous carbonate rocks. AAPG Bulletin, 98(1):49 — 66, 2014. [ DOI ]

A. Giri, S. Tarafdar, P. Gouze, and T. Dutta. Multifractal analysis of the pore space of real and simulated sedimentary rocks. Geophysical Journal International, 200(2):1108–1117, 2014. [ DOI ]

M. Héry, A. Volant, C. Garing, L. Luquot, F. Elbaz-Poulichet, and P. Gouze. Diversity and geochemical structuring of bacterial communities along a salinity gradient in a carbonate aquifer subject to seawater intrusion. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 90(3):922–934, 2014. [ DOI ]

L. Luquot, O. Rodriguez, and P Gouze. Experimental characterization of porosity structure and transport property changes in limestone undergoing different dissolution regimes. Transport in Porous Media, 101:507–532, 2014. [ DOI ]

A. Maillard, O. Driussi, J. Lofi, A. Briais, F. Chanier, C. Hübscher, and V. Gaullier. Record of the Messinian Salinity Crisis in the SW Mallorca area (Balearic Promontory, Spain). Marine Geology, 357:304 — 320, 2014. [ DOI ]

S. Sadhukhan, P. Gouze, and T. Dutta. A simulation study of reactive flow in 2-D involving dissolution and precipitation in sedimentary rocks. Journal of Hydrology, 519:2101 — 2110, 2014. [ DOI ]


C. Garing, L. Luquot, P. A. Pezard, and P. Gouze. Geochemical investigations of saltwater intrusion into the coastal carbonate aquifer of Mallorca, Spain. Applied Geochemistry, 39:1 — 10, 2013. [ DOI ]

P. O. Mangane, P. Gouze, and L. Luquot. Permeability impairment of a limestone reservoir triggered by heterogeneous dissolution and particles migration during CO2-rich injection. Geophysical Research Letters, 40(17):4614–4619, 2013. [ DOI ]


A. Giri, S. Tarafdar, P. Gouze, and T. Dutta. Fractal geometry of sedimentary rocks: simulation in 3-D using a Relaxed Bidisperse Ballistic Deposition Model. Geophysical Journal International, 192(3):1059–1069, 2012. [ DOI ]

S. Sadhukhan, P. Gouze, and T. Dutta. Porosity and permeability changes in sedimentary rocks induced by injection of reactive fluid: A simulation model. Journal of Hydrology, 450-451:134 — 139, 2012. [ DOI ]


M. Dentz, P. Gouze, and J. Carrera. Effective non-local reaction kinetics for transport in physically and chemically heterogeneous media. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 120-121:222 — 236, 2011. [ DOI ]

P. Gouze and L. Luquot. X-ray microtomography characterization of porosity, permeability and reactive surface changes during dissolution. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 120-121:45 — 55, 2011. [ DOI ]


S. Dupraz, B. Ménez, P. Gouze, R. Leprovost, P. Bénézeth, O. S. Pokrovsky, and F. Guyot. Experimental approach of CO2 biomineralization in deep saline aquifers. Chemical Geology, 265(1):54 — 62, 2009. [ DOI ]

P. Gouze, R. Leprovost, T. Poidras, T. Le Borgne, G. Lods, and P. A. Pezard. CoFIS and TELog: New downhole tools for characterizing dispersion processes in aquifers by single-well injection-withdrawal tracer tests. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 341(10):965–975, 2009. [ DOI ]

L. Luquot and P. Gouze. Experimental determination of porosity and permeability changes induced by injection of CO2 into carbonate rocks. Chemical Geology, 265(1):148–159, 2009. [ DOI ]

C. Noiriel, L. Luquot, B. Madé, L. Raimbault, P. Gouze, and J. van der Lee. Changes in reactive surface area during limestone dissolution: An experimental and modelling study. Chemical Geology, 265(1):160–170, 2009. [ DOI ]

P. A. Pezard, S. Gautier, T. Le Borgne, B. Legros, and J.-L. Deltombe. MuSET: A multiparameter and high precision sensor for downhole spontaneous electrical potential measurements. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 341(10):957–964, 2009. [ DOI ]


P. Gouze, T. Le Borgne, R. Leprovost, G. Lods, T. Poidras, and P. Pezard. Non-Fickian dispersion in porous media: 1. Multiscale measurements using single-well injection withdrawal tracer tests. Water Resources Research, 44(6), 2008. [ DOI ]

P. Gouze, Y. Melean, T. Le Borgne, M. Dentz, and J. Carrera. Non-Fickian dispersion in porous media explained by heterogeneous microscale matrix diffusion. Water Resources Research, 44(11), 2008. [ DOI ]

T. Le Borgne and P. Gouze. Non-Fickian dispersion in porous media: 2. Model validation from measurements at different scales. Water Resources Research, 44(6), 2008. [ DOI ]


C. Noiriel, B. Madé, and P. Gouze. Impact of coating development on the hydraulic and transport properties in argillaceous limestone fracture. Water Resources Research, 43(9), 2007. [ DOI ]

N. Van Meir, D. Jaeggi, M. Herfort, S. Loew, P. A. Pezard, and G. Lods. Characterizing flow zones in a fractured and karstified limestone aquifer through integrated interpretation of geophysical and hydraulic data. Hydrogeology Journal, 15(2):225–240, 2007. [ DOI ]


J.-R. De Dreuzy, J. Bodin, H. Le Grand, P. Davy, D. Boulanger, A. Battais, O. Bour, P. Gouze, and G. Porel. General database for ground water site information. Groundwater, 44(5):743–748, 2006. [ DOI ]


C. Noiriel, P. Gouze, and D. Bernard. Investigation of porosity and permeability effects from microstructure changes during limestone dissolution. Geophysical Research Letters, 31(24), 2004. [ DOI ]
