Data policy

Terms & conditions of use

Version 2 April 2023

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

The data from the database are under the license CC BY-NC-SA International 4.0.

This license covers the data producers rights and stipulates the following conditions :

  • Attribution : you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • NonCommercial : you may not use the material for commercial purposes.
  • ShareAlike : you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

No additional restrictions. You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits. The license conditions should always be visible; the easiest way is by linking to this website

Each of these conditions could be waived if the data owner gives the formal authorization. Nothing in this charter reduces or limits the moral right of the author(s).

The full license is available at :

Additionally, every user external to the H+ network must accept the following terms & conditions of use to access the data:

  1. The data are available on the H+ website ( ) in the section “Data access – Database”. The access to the data is free.
  2. To access the database, the user needs a login and a password, provided on request on the website page
  3. When the data are inserted in the database, they are considered available without restriction for all users with previous access to the database.
  4. The usual rules for data utilization and publication should be respected (quotations, acknowledgements…). The agreements will be previously obtained from the data suppliers. In any case, the data source must be mentioned in the publication or in the acknowledgements in the form of “Data from the national network of hydrogeological sites H+, ».
  5. In case of dispute, the H+ network supervisors will arbitrate.
  6. Every data user must inform the data owner and submit to the owner every paper that uses the data, before transmission to a journal.
  7. Every data user using data in a published paper commits to send a copy of his article to an H+ network supervisor.
  8. The data users are not allowed to disseminate the data outside of the H+ network without the authorization of the H+ network supervisors. The only way to access the data is by the website of H+ network.
  9. All submitted DOIs associated to datasets stored in the H+ database are listed on ou If using these datasets, please cite them as datacite organization or as following if using the H+ database : INSU CNRS. (2005). Database of the H+ network of hydrogeological observatories. SNO H+.
  10. Hydrogeophysical data from OZCAR (French network of Critical Zone observatories) and other national observing services are stored in the H+ database. They may be subject to special conditions of access and use. It’s therefore advisable to enquire on the observatoies web sites before any use and access.

Technical recommendations:

The H+ web portal is optimized for a display through the browser Mozilla Firefox/Chrome.

To read some documents, the user will need a reader of PDF files and the Plugin Google Earth.
