Lautaret site
The RZA, Network of Zones Ateliers (workshop sites) focus on a functional unit (a river and its watershed, landscapes – agricultural or urban – and biodiversity, from Antarctica to sub-Saharan Africa, or the coastline, or the environments characterized by chronic radiation of natural or enhanced natural origin) and develop a specific scientific approach based on observations and experiments on workshops sites, including the instrumented site Lautaret. More information can be found on the observatory website.
Data availability
Download links
You can access the data categorized by different types of measurements from the provided links below:
KMZ viewer
The viewer below offers a comprehensive site visualization and information on available hydrogeophysical data, including geophysical maps and cross-sections. This interface also provides details on the types, numbers, and dates of measurements, as well as precise site locations and data providers information.
To visualize the data in the Google Earth software, you can download the following KMZ file: Lautaret.kmz