OZCAR annual days 2023

The 7th annual meeting of the OZCAR research infrastructure, was due to take place from 27 to 30 march 2023 at the MILEADES centre in Samatan (Gers), has finally been held online, as in 2020, but for different reasons.

You can find more information and a summary of the event on the OZCAR website:




Winter school of the network of the Zones Ateliers (ZA)

Winter school of the network of workshop sites the Zones Ateliers (ZA) (http://www.za-inee.org/) is being organised this year by the ZA Pyrénées Garonne (https://pygar.omp.eu/). Its theme will be the agro-ecological transition of socio-ecosystems. It will be held from 12 to 14 March 2024 in the town of Foix, in the Ariège region, in the Regional National […]


RST 2023 – 28th Earth Sciences Meeting

It will take place from 30 October to 3 November 2023, at the Rennes Convention Centre. Spain will be the guest of honour at this congress. Scientific program and highlights:


Thesis defense of Jordan Labbe

Study of the vulnerability and reactivity of alluvial hydrosystemsto global change Date and hour : October, 20, 2023 at 14:30 (Paris, GMT+2). Abstract : Alluvial hydrosystems are a favoured water resource for irrigation, industry and drinking water supply. These aquifer systems are shallow, permeable and therefore easy to exploit. It is these very characteristics that […]


Thesis defense of Ivan Osorio-Leon

Oxic-Anoxic Dynamics in the Continental Subsurface: Prediction and Control on Rock Weathering and Deep Biomass Date and time: October 16th, 2023, at 2:00 PM (Paris time, GMT+2). Abstract: Redox reactions involving dissolved oxygen (DO) are the most energetic and provide a major source of energy for the deep biosphere. The ability of fractured rocks to […]


16th meeting – Rennes, 17-18 October 2012

Participants Wednesday, October 17th Scientific presentations as part of the common conference day with the GDAT Thursday, October 18th 8h45-10h45: Sites (10-15 min par site): Actions, prospective instrumentation on the site for monitoring and experimentation within CRITEX, point on the current state of provision of data and perspectives, details of the use of the budget. […]


GDAT – Rennes, 15-19 October 2012

The 2012 GDAT meeting dedicated to groundwater dating was held in Rennes from the 15 to 19 October 2012. The conference was a great success with the participation of nearly 60 researchers, engineers and PhD students from more than 25 research laboratories and 12 countries. Conferences have explored the use of new compounds such as […]

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16th meeting – Rennes, 17-18 October 2012

Participants Wednesday, October 17th Scientific presentations as part of the common conference day with the GDAT Thursday, October 18th 8h45-10h45: Sites (10-15 min par site): Actions, prospective instrumentation on the site for monitoring and experimentation within CRITEX, point on the current state of provision of data and perspectives, details of the use of the budget. […]

GDAT – Rennes, 15-19 October 2012

The 2012 GDAT meeting dedicated to groundwater dating was held in Rennes from the 15 to 19 October 2012. The conference was a great success with the participation of nearly 60 researchers, engineers and PhD students from more than 25 research laboratories and 12 countries. Conferences have explored the use of new compounds such as […]

15 th meeting – Paris, 21 March 2012

Participants Program 9h30-10h15: CRITEX Presentation by Jérome Gaillardet, discussions on the control, budget, and the relationship between H + and RBV 10h15-11h: SOERE H+ international: focus on the budget, discussions on the planned actions, developments and collaborations with international partners 11h30-12h15: H+ database: Annick Battais, Rebecca Hochreutener 12h15-12h30: Presentation of GDAT 2012 (the groundwater dating […]
