Which data in Hplus?

Water cycle

Monitoring of all water cycle components and characterization of subsurface hydraulic properties on the Hplus sites. Available data include monitoring data (weather parameters, piezometric levels and pumping flow rates) and experimental data (pumping and slug tests, borehole flow logs).

The hydrologic and climatic monitoring is designed to quantify and model the transfer of water. Experiments are performed to quantify hydraulic properties at different scales and to characterize subsurface heterogeneities.

Geochemical cycle

Water chemistry dataset include monitoring data (anions, cations, DIC, DOC, dissolved gases) and experimental data (tracer tests) on the Hplus sites.  

The chemical monitoring is designed to quantify and model the transfer of solutes and gases in the subsurface that trace the origin and age of water as well as water rock interactions. Experiments are performed to quantify chemical reactivity at different scales and to characterize biogeochemical interactions in the subsurface.

Borehole hydrogeophysics

The borehole hydrogeophysical logging data include optical imaging, acoustic logging, induction and electrical resistivity, natural and spectral gamma radioactivity, fiber optic measurements and multiparameter probe logs.

Hydrogeophysical borehole logs provide key information on subsurface characteristics including geological, hydrological and chemical properties. The depth profiles inform on vertical variability of these properties.

Spatialized hydrogeophysics

Types of spatialized data include electrical or seismic profile, magnetic resonance sounding, electromagnetic, geological or gravimetry maps and other hydrogeophysical data (maps, soundings, 3D blocks or cross-section). 


The dataset includes BLUM and long base tiltmeter data.

Geodesy data allow inferring the internal structure, pressure and flow behaviour of the subsurface at the large scale related to changes in the hydrological cycle.

Soil-atmosphere interface

Dataset on soil-atmosphere interactions includes vadose zone data (temperature, water content and suction) and flux tower data (air pressure, air specific humidity, air temperature, co2 flux, evapotranspiration, h2o flux, latent heat flux, wind direction, wind speed).

Vadose zone data and tower-based flux measurements allow quantifying water and element exchanges at the soil-atmosphere interface.


Describing information of the experiment such as site, name, type of tests and duration of measurements. In the experimental bench you can find values of the measured parameters, type of device, acquisition method, borehole or station and other corresponding information to the experiment.  

Note that experimental data are available in other categories.

Environmental microbiology

Information on microbial sampling and its storage (borehole, sampling nature and method, storage conditions), analysis method and values of measured parameters of nucleic acid concentration, sequencing, biomass and gene quantification.


Name and coordinates of boreholes and stations, registered in the Hplus database.
