Data in Papers

Data in Papers

Hplus publications


T. Hermans, P. Goderniaux, D. Jougnot, J. Fleckenstein, P. Brunner, F. Nguyen, N. Linde, J. A. Huisman, O. Bour, J. Lopez-Alvis, R. Hoffmann, A. Palacios, A-K. Cooke, Á.Pardo-Álvarez, L. Blazevic, B. Pouladi, P. Haruzi, M. Kenshilikova, P. Davy, and T. Le Borgne. Advancing measurements and representations of subsurface heterogeneity and dynamic processes: towards 4D hydrogeology. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2023. [ DOI | Data ]

I. Osorio-Leon, C. Bouchez, E. Chatton, N. Lavenant, L. Longuevergne, and T. Le Borgne. Hydrological and Geological Controls for the Depth Distribution of Dissolved Oxygen and Iron in Silicate Catchments. Water Resources Research, 59:e2023WR034986, 2023. [ DOI | Data ]


S. D. Carrière, and K. Chalikakis. Hydrogeophysical monitoring of intense rainfall infiltration in the karst critical zone: A unique electrical resistivity tomography data set. Data in Brief, 40:107762, 2022. [ DOI | Data ]

L. Guillaumot, L. Longuevergne, J. Marçais, N. Lavenant, and O. Bour. Frequency domain water table fluctuations reveal recharge in fractured aquifers depends on both intense and seasonal rainfall and unsaturated zone thickness. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 201:1-38, 2022. [ DOI | Data ]

R. Hoffmann, J.-C. Maréchal, A. Selles, A. Dassargues, and P. Goderniaux. Heat Tracing in a Fractured Aquifer with Injection of Hot and Cold Water. Groundwater, 60(2):192–209, 2022. [ DOI | Data ]

I. Osorio-Leon, C. Bouchez, E. Chatton, N. Lavenant, L. Longuevergne, and T. Le Borgne. Hydrological and geological controls for the joint evolution of dissolved oxygen and iron in crystalline rocks. ESS Open Archive, 2022. [ DOI | Data ]

N. Simon, and O. Bour. An ADTS toolbox for automatically interpreting Active Distributed Temperature Sensing measurements. Groundwater, 2022. [ DOI | Data ]


A.-K. Cooke, C. Champollion, and N. Le Moigne. First evaluation of an absolute quantum gravimeter (AQG#B01) for future field  experiments. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 10:65–79, 2021. [ DOI | Data ]

B. Pouladi, O. Bour, L. Longuevergne, J. de La Bernardie, and N. Simon. Modelling borehole flows from Distributed Temperature Sensing data to monitor groundwater dynamics in fractured media. Journal of Hydrology, 598:126450, 2021. [ DOI | Data ]

N. Simon, O. Bour, N. Lavenant, G. Porel, B. Nauleau, B. Pouladi, L. Longuevergne, and A. Crave. Numerical and experimental validation of the applicability of active-dts experiments to estimate thermal conductivity and groundwater flux in porous media. Water Resources Research, e2020WR028078, 2021. [ DOI | Data ]


L. Blazevic, L. Bodet, S. Pasquet, N. Linde, D. Jougnot, and L. Longuevergne. Time-lapse seismic and electrical monitoring of the vadose zone during a controlled infiltration experiment at the Ploemeur hydrological observatory, France. Water, 12(5):1230, 2020. [ DOI | Data ]

O. Bochet, L. Bethencourt, A. Dufresne, J. Farasin, M. Pédrot, T. Labasque, E. Chatton, N. Lavenant, C. Petton, B. W. Abbott, L. Aquilina, and T. Le Borgne. Iron-oxidizer hotspots formed by intermittent oxic–anoxic fluid mixing in fractured rocks. Nature Geoscience, 13:149–155, 2020. [ DOI | Data ]


J. de La Bernardie, O. Bour, T. Le Borgne, N. Guihéneuf, E. Chatton, T. Labasque, H. Le Lay, and M.-F. Gerard. Thermal attenuation and lag time in fractured rock: Theory and field measurements from joint heat and solute tracer tests. Water Resources Research, 54(12):10,053–10,075, 2018. [ DOI | Data ]


A. Shakas, N. Linde, L. Baron, J. Selker, M.-F. Gerard, N. Lavenant, O. Bour, and T. Le Borgne. Neutrally buoyant tracers in hydrogeophysics: Field demonstration in fractured rock. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(8):3663–3671, 2017. [ DOI | Data ]


A. Shakas, N. Linde, L. Baron, O. Bochet, O. Bour, and T. Le Borgne. Hydrogeophysical characterization of transport processes in fractured rock by combining push-pull and single-hole ground penetrating radar experiments. Water Resources Research, 52(2):938–953, 2016. [ DOI | Data ]


P. K. Kang, T. Le Borgne, M. Dentz, O. Bour, and R. Juanes. Impact of velocity correlation and distribution on transport in fractured media: Field evidence and theoretical model. Water Resources Research, 51(2):940–959, 2015. [ DOI | Data ]

S. Pasquet, L. Bodet, L. Longuevergne, A. Dhemaied, C. Camerlynck, F. Rejiba, and R. Guérin. 2D characterization of near-surface: surface-wave dispersion inversion versus refraction tomography. Near Surface Geophysics, 13(4):315–332, 2015. [ DOI | Data ]

J. L. Mari, G. Porel, and B. Bourbiaux. From 3D seismic to 3D reservoir deterministic model thanks to logging data: The case study of a near surface heterogeneous aquifer. Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP, 64(2):119–131, 2009. [ DOI | .pdf | Data ]

Associated sites publications


Q. Chaffaut, N. Lesparre, F. Masson, J. Hinderer, D. Viville, J-D. Bernard, G. Ferhat, and S. Cotel. Hybrid Gravimetry to Map Water Storage Dynamics in a Mountain Catchment. Frontiers in Water, 3:715298, 2022. [ DOI | Data ]


R. Hoffmann, P. Goderniaux, P. Jamin, P. Orban, S. Brouyère, and A. Dassargues. Differentiated influence of the double porosity of the chalk on solute and heat transport. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, SP517-2020-170, 2021. [ DOI | Data ]

J. Molron, N. Linde, P. Davy, L. Baron, C. Darcel, J.-O. Selroos, T. Le Borgne, and D. Doolaeghe. GPR-inferred fracture aperture widening in response to a high-pressure tracer injection test at the Äspö hardrock laboratory, Sweden. Engineering Geology, 292:106249, 2021. [ DOI | Data ]


R. Hoffmann, P. Goderniaux, P. Jamin, E. Chatton, J. de la Bernardie, T. Labasque, T. Le Borgne, and A. Dassargues. Continuous dissolved gas tracing of fracture-matrix exchanges. Geophysical Research Letters, 47:e2020GL088944, 2020. [ DOI | Data ]

N. Lesparre, J.-F. Girard, B. Jeannot, S. Weill, M. Dumont, M. Boucher, D. Viville, M.-C. Pierret, A. Legchenko, and F. Delay. Magnetic resonance sounding dataset of a hard-rock headwater catchment for assessing the vertical distribution of water contents in the subsurface. Data in Brief, 31:105708, 2020. [ DOI | Data ]

N. Lesparre, J.-F. Girard, B. Jeannot, S. Weill, M. Dumont, M. Boucher, D. Viville, M.-C. Pierret, A. Legchenko, and F. Delay. Magnetic resonance sounding measurements as posterior information to condition hydrological model parameters: Application to a hard-rock headwater catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 587:124941, 2020. [ DOI | Data ]

J. Molron, N. Linde, L. Baron, J.-O. Selroos, C. Darcel, and P. Davy. Which fractures are imaged with ground penetrating radar? Results from an experiment in the Äspö hardrock laboratory, Sweden. Engineering Geology, 273:105674, 2020. [ DOI | Data ]

A. Palacios, J. J. Ledo, N. Linde, L. Luquot, F. Bellmunt, A. Folch, A. Marcuello, P. Queralt, P. A. Pezard, L. Martínez, L. del Val, D. Bosch, and J. Carrera. Time-lapse cross-hole electrical resistivity tomography (CHERT) for monitoring seawater intrusion dynamics in a mediterranean aquifer. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24(4):2121–2139, 2020. [ DOI | Data ]
